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Okey dokey! I hope you're ready to laugh because I'm not funny and you can laugh at my horrible attempts to make you smile. His cheeks look so squishable I can't help post this! Enjoy the chapter.

Looking down at all the kids and their smiling faces your eyes landed on the blonde haired person towering over you holding out his arm, waiting for a wristband. You look behind the man and see a bald one standing behind him in a what looks like a hero uniform.

"I'm not sure I can give him a wristband." You say to the man behind the blonde. 

"WHY THE HELL NOT! I SAID HE WAS MY SON, THERE WAS NO AGE RESTRICTION ON THE FLYER!" The man yelled at you his emotionless face replaced with an angry one. Getting up from your assigned chair you walk toward the man.  The blonde staying silent.

"Excuse me for not knowing whether I should do something. I just, oh I don't know DON'T WANT TO GET IN TROUBLE." Seeing the man flinch at your sudden out burst you turn around and take the blondes mechanical arm and put the wristband on it. Pointing to the floor where the other children were you signaled him for to go sit down and wait. Walking up to the bald man who yelled at you, you put the wristband on him. You were about to go back and sit down when a gloved hand grabbed yours.

"I'm sorry, I got angry for no reason. Thanks for giving me the discount." Hearing the guy apologize made you feel a lot better. Getting a closer look at the guy you see he's actually kind of cute...and familiar. Dismissing the thoughts you flash your signature smile.

"It's okay, but you might want to get out the store to catch all the good products the store opens in a little bit." Walking back to your spot you take a quick glance behind you and see the bald guy gone. With a quick sigh you walk to where the children were and see them on the blonde guy from before. "Okay guys come on let's read a book, and then maybe I can play a few songs for you later." Saving the blonde from the kids you see them scurry off him and sit near the chair with the guitar and book on it. Sitting down you start the story, making hand gestures, and funny faces to hear the few giggles come from children. You even heard the blonde laugh a little bit.

After playing a few songs on the guitar the kids request a parents with all kinds of goods one by one came and picked up the kids. Leaving you and the blonde alone. Being bored you could still see a few shoppers but either way it was almost time for you to go.  

"Sooo...you and baldy come here often? I'm (Y/N) by the way." You say to the guy who was still sitting crisscross staring at you.

"Genos, and the answer to your question is yes."

"Genos. Cool name." After a brief moment of awkward silence a random idea popped up in your mind. "Hey, Can I ask you a question?" Receiving a nod from the cyborg you get off of your and stoop down to his level. Letting out a deep breadth you ask the question. "Can I pull your cheeks?"

I'm so tired I don't even want to continue to think. I saw suicide squad woohoo!!! Did you guys see that "Mob Pycho 100" anime? It's really good and from the creators of OPM. No spoilers for the anime or the movie coming from me. NO SIR! Anywhoo wherever you good morning or good night...PEACE OUT!!!

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