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Sorry? Hopefully this makes up for it!!

Your POV

You woke up in an unfamiliar bed again. Sitting up, you unconsciously roll your eyes at how many times it's happened. You tried to move but heard a clang and felt a yank on your hand. You look to the bed frame and saw an 8 inch chain. Sighing you try to make out your surroundings. Your eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room and saw what looked to be a well kept home. 

You attention was drawn away when you heard what sounded like a door open. In came the man with the white mask. In the blink of an eye he was directly in front of you. You quickly throw your hands up in fear and shut your eyes. You immediately thought that this was the end.

"Sweetie why do you cower?" The man said with confusion. You slowly put your hands down and look at your kidnapper. "That's better" he crossed his arms and you could feel a slight annoyance coming from him, "You know you were the one to stab me. I should be scared of you."

"Unchain me now and I'll give you a real reason to fear me!" 

The masked man laughed, grabbing his side. Wiping an invisible tear from his eyes he looked at you. He disappeared from in front of you and reappeared next to you on the bed.

"I could never fear my own creation."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Well, when a man and a woman love each other dearly-"

You try to hit him, but the chains restrain you. "I know that! My dad died when I was 7. You could never be him. He...he's-"

The masked figure turned towards you and put a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry child. I am not your father. I couldn't be." You sigh in relief. The thought of being related to a psychopath fleeting your mind. "Of course, that being said, you never had a father."

Your eyes widened as you tried to move away from the masked man. "What the hell are you talking about. I have a father, I was with him for several years, I know what he looks like and I have pictures....and-"

"Oh my dear, this may all seem unreal to you, but I assure you, it's the truth."

"No, that's not possible?"

The man got off the bed and crossed his arms. You were holding your sides and biting your lips to stop from crying because of this hell hole. The man uncrossed his arms and reached out to you. You moved as far away from him as you could but felt your body become numb again and the darkness overcoming you.

(Y/N)'s POV

Are you kidding me? How many times am I going to black out?

My body still felt numb but I could also feel like I was standing. I look around at where I was and see that I'm in my apartment. My old apartment. It looked empty and sad. I was standing in the middle of my living room and saw my phone on the table. Grabbing it, I kissed it and hugged it to my chest.
Oh how I have missed you.

A muffled voice coming from my room broke my small reunion with my cellular device. I quietly walk towards the sound.

"Can you come over now? She's gone, and her life insurance for being proclaimed dead will appear soon." Looking through the door way I see my ex standing in the middle of my room on the phone. "I know it's only been 2 days, but I promise you. Where she is...she'll never come back." Back away from the door and begin to walk out of the apartment.

How have I been gone for two days? It's only felt like a couple of hours.

Hearing my ex begin to walk out the bedroom I froze. I was almost to the front door. Just 2 more steps and he wouldn't have ever known I was back. As soon as I grab the front door handle I hear a strange voice.

"(Y/N)? Babe?" I cringed at the nickname. My grip on the door got tighter as I felt my heart starting to beating faster. "What are you doing here?" I don't turn around but I could feel that something was off. I heard bones cracking and breaking from behind me. "Sweetie turn around and look at your future husband." 

Taking a deep breath. I open the front door and bolt out. Nope. Nope. Nope. Not looking at whatever monster he became.

I was running as fast as my legs could carry me and could hear the loud roar of a monster from behind me. Great just what I needed. My ex turned into some beast that I don't want to look at for fear of being traumatized and all I can do is run 20 flights of stairs. 

"Honestly I'd rather die than exercise that much." I saw the entrance to the emergency stair case and pushed it open, setting off the alarm. Running down the stairs, I could hear the monster struggling to get through the door of the stair case. As I was running down I passed a smoker by the window. I stopped for a second.

"There's a monster in the building. GET OUT OF HERE!" They quickly took my advice and ran in the opposite direction?

I continue my running and pulled out my phone and quickly called Genos. I put the phone to my ear but no words could come out. I was on the 13th flight but couldn't move anymore.


My ex laughed from in front of me. "Oh (Y/N) you can't run from me. Plus elevators are handy." He begins to laugh as his face tears in two and his flesh morphs into a glob of eyes, appendages, and a split mouth. 

"Yup, I was right. Scarring and traumatizing." I look around my surroundings, stairs going up or stairs going down with flesh monster ex-fiance. I run back up and could hear the flesh monster getting closer. I was on the flight with a window that was open. I didn't waste a second before I bolted for the window.

It do be like that don't it. Thanks for reading, wherever you are good morning or good night....PEACE OUT!!!!

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