The Bad News

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Chat Noir was absolutely furious that he let Volpina trick him. He felt that he was responsible for the fact that his bugaboo was gone.

His partner was no longer breathing, and it was devastating to accept that she was never going to joke around, patrol, or just be with him anymore. His sweet classmate was never going to stumble late into class again, blushing with rosy cheeks. He would never again have the cheerful company of the girl, whether it be accompanying him to his mother's movie, or just ice-skating.

She was gone.

He hung his head and gritted his teeth, holding back angry tears as he made his way to the front door to the bakery, holding a cold, breathless Marinette in his arms.

He was even unable to look at her in this state. Lifeless was something he never imagined she would be and it was tearing apart his heart and ripping his stomach to shreds. He wiped away his tears, and found the courage to knock at the front door of the bakery.

How can I explain the fact that I couldn't protect their only baby? Their little girl? I never should have let myself be distracted by that jerk!

Tom and Sabine rushed to the front door frantically when they saw the hero holding an unconscious girl in his arms. At first sight, they didn't recognize their own daughter. They had assumed she was still up in her room, working on her designs.

"I-I am so sorry," Chat stammered out, his voice breaking as he tried to avoid looking at the once lively girl he had known.

Tom gasped, horrified, and Sabine started sobbing.
"What happened to my daughter?!" Sabine cried out, heartbroken that her daughter, who had been so full of life an hour ago, was now bloody and cold.

"How could this- happen? Who is responsible for this?!" Tom yelled. This took Chat Noir aback, seeing that this was uncharacteristic of Tom. However, he understood.

"An akuma attacked... an akuma attacked her," Chat mumbled tearfully, clenching Marinette in his arms.

"Where was Ladybug in all for this?! Did she just expect you to fight alone?!" Sabine's sadness turned to blame and fury, due to the amount of grief she was beginning to feel.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! It's all my fault! I never should have let this happen! I shouldn't have let myself become distracted!" Chat Noir began to cry, his words leading to sobs, "Your daughter- was Ladybug..."

"Marinette couldn't be Ladybug! She's just a teenager!" Tom yelled, tears falling from his eyes viciously. He swept his lifeless daughter into his arms, taking her from Chat Noir furiously.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! This was all my fault! I shouldn't have-" Chat was blubbering before Tom cut him off.

"Get out!" Tom yelled furiously, while sobbing.

Sabine was crying harder and harder as she tried to get herself to look at the girl she's raised from a baby. She just couldn't. She wanted to believe this wasn't her girl.

Sabine ran up to Marinette's room and looked around, only falling to the ground of her daughter's bedroom when she confirmed she was no longer designing and her chair was empty with designs scattered across her desk.

Her only child, her little girl was no longer breathing or moving. Memories flooded her mind of baby Marinette to toddler Marinette. She remembered her little girl going off to her first day of school. Sabine remembered how Marinette clung to her side shyly until she gently began to show her sweet daughter how much fun she would have at school.

She couldn't bare to deal with the loss of her baby girl. She didn't want to part with the only child she had. Her sweet, lovable child.

The girl's heart was made of gold. She felt didn't deserve to be killed by an akumatized villain. She didn't deserve to have her precious life taken away. Marinette had so much to live for.

 Marinette had so much to live for

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