Truth or Dare: Part Two

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"Truth or dare?" Adrien asked Mirielle when they got back to Alya's room.

"Wait!!!" Nino yelled. He dug into his backpack and pulled out his lie detector then started hooking it up to Mirielle.

Alya facepalmed.

"Nino, this isn't a police investigation. Besides, what could Marinette be lying about? Her identity?" She asked sarcastically, making Mirielle nearly pass out.

"Your heart rate is going up," Nino announced.

"Maybe because you're scaring the poor girl with all this equipment?!" Alya smacked the back of his head.

"Fine, I'll take it down," Nino grumbled.

"No! No, it'll be a lot more fun with a lie detector! Besides, Nino didn't lug it all the way here for nothing, right?" Adrien insisted, wanting to investigate.

Nino stuck his tongue out at Alya and continued hooking it up.

"It's ready!" He announced.

"Okay, Mir-Marinette, truth or dare?" Adrien asked, almost brain-farting for a second there.

Mirielle's eyes widened when she noticed he almost said her real name.

"Uh hmm... I pick dare!" She decided, not wanting to risk her identity spilling out of nowhere.

Adrien was disappointed, as was Nino, but then he had an idea.

"Marinette, I dare you to say, 'detransform me,'" Adrien smirked.

This is very very bad! What are you going to do?!

"I don't know, Tikki!" she whisper-shouted in a panic.

"Umm... Are you sure you want that to be your dare? There's a billion other things you could dare me to do. That's kind of lame, Adrien," she remarked.

"Hmm..." Nino stared at the lie detector.

"You're nervous," Nino smirked.

"Maybe that's because she can't detransform!" Alya defended the nervous girl she thought was her best friend.

"Then I think you should say, 'lucky charm,'" Adrien carefully considered.

Mirielle wanted to smack the crap out of that disgustingly beautiful boy.

"It's not like your earrings will run out of time. I've seen the old footage where you would run out of time. Now that you can't detransform, you can do it easily! Besides, you can share your cool prize with all of us," Alya winked.

"Just do it!" Nino said, "Don't let your dreams be dreams!"

"Shut up," Alya threw a pillow at him.

"This is such an abusive relationship!" Nino gasped sarcastically.

"Nobody can abuse you better than me," Alya winked at him.

He blew a kiss at his girlfriend.

Adrien was getting impatient as Mirielle was hoping everyone forgot about it.

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