The Boat Trip of Guilt

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Mirielle's Point of View

"There's something I need to tell you!" I bursted out saying, not able to contain the secret anymore.

My heart beat harder and harder with every passing second, my stomach churned, my breathing labored as I used every fiber of my being to not scream out my confession.

"Wait, what's wrong?" Adrien asked me, holding my shoulder gently as I unsuccessfully tried to keep back my sobs, tears running down my face.

"I should've told you at the beginning! You're going to hate me so much!" I cried, shuddering at how much he will hate me.

At that point, I would've taken a punch to the stomach, a hit in the face; practically anything would've been better than the pain that guilt was providing me.

"It's okay, Marinette. There's nothing that can compare to losing you. I promise you, I am so glad to have you back. There's no way I can possibly be upset at you now that you're here," he swore, taking my shaking hand and pulling it to his chest, giving it warmth.

The river gleamed as the sun went further down, shimmering lights shone all around us.

This only made it more difficult. My heart still beat faster and harder, punching into my chest, on the verge of explosion.

His caring hands pulled me toward him where I lay my head upon his warm chest. He caressed me and kissed my forehead.

My arms wrapped around his muscular body and I buried my face into his black shirt.

"You can tell me anything, princess. I will never stop loving you," he told me, lifting my chin with his hand. My eyes met his and he gave me an assuring smile.

I- I just couldn't.

I didn't want to lose him.

Those beautiful green eyes that are currently filled with love would soon show absolute hatred in a matter of words.

"A-Adrien?" My small voice barely escaped with a whisper.

"Yes?" He asked, still caressing my hand.

I knew that this wouldn't last forever. The comfort, the peace, this overbearing emotion that overtook my heart: Was this love?

I needed to tell him.

"I- I know you're Chat Noir," I whispered.

He bursted out laughing. I'm not sure if it was at me or if he was relieved or something, but I regretted not saying what needed to be said.

"I'm sorry, princess. I just thought you already knew," he explained, pushing his hair back and letting out another little laugh.

I let out a small fake laugh as well, not sure how I would've known if it weren't for Volpina.

A little bit of relief that I didn't spill the beans overcame me, but the guilt didn't leave me.

It was breaking me internally, ripping my soul apart by the seams.

Tearing me, enclosing me; haunting my thoughts, filling me with endless dread.

I loved him, but could he love me after I told him what I was doing?

"What's wrong, Mari? I know that laugh," he asked me, suspicious of my faked laughter.

"Nothin'. Just a little tired; that's all," I replied, trying to make eye contact.

"Well, if you ever feel like talking, I'll be here for you," he said with a smile.

Tears still slipped from my eyes and I wiped them away quickly.

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