Carnival Date (Pt. 1)

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Adrien finally set up for the date with his lady: red roses and two carnival tickets.

He put on his confident face and strutted to her on the Eiffel Tower once he had spotted Ladybug. She was wearing a red and black ladybug dress with black flats. Of course, she bought a similar Ladybug mask to cover her eye area.

He got down on one knee, earning a surprised look from her as he continued on to pull out the red bouquet of roses.

"Miri-Marinette, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me to the carnival?" He held out the bouquet, his eyes filling with hope.

"Definitely!" She giggled, taking the bouquet. Only for today, she would enjoy her place as Marinette. After the date, she would figure something out.

"When would this little date take place?" She leaned toward him flirtatiously as he slumped back nervously.

With her face literally centimeters from his, Adrien held himself back from kissing her. Her gorgeous, warm dark brown eyes were just alluring and inviting. Her red heart-shaped lips were curved at the perfect angle, tempting him for a kiss.

He gulped nervously and responded, "Right now?"

"Sounds amazing, Adrien," she told him with a voice as smooth as melted chocolate and a breath that hinted warm caramel.

To Adrien, Ladybug was so beautiful, but not the same as before. She was a different kind of beautiful, like more of a mysterious temptation, while old Marinette was more of a curious cutie.

Ladybug previously had playful blue eyes while she now has deep dark brown eyes that can take your soul if you're not careful, is how he would describe her now.

He liked it.

No, he loved it.

"Let's go, my lady," he took control, taking her hand into his.

Ladybug held back a blush and she decided she couldn't let him win. Only she could hold control over his emotions.

"Allow me, Prince Charming," she booped his nose and wrapped her arms around his torso. She pulled out her yoyo and swung it.

"Pr-Prince Charming?!" He stammered, his face heating up.

"Of course, model boy," she giggled, her soft voice like a bell.

"Hold on tight," she warned, smirking at him before letting he both of them swing away on her yoyo.

Adrien wasn't transformed, therefore if he fell, he would surely be dead. That was the reason he had his arms so tightly wrapped into the girl he trusted with his life.

Mirielle still had an arm wrapped around his torso while the other hand held onto the yoyo.

They flew through the air, nearly internally killing Adrien as he screamed in a female-like vocal extension.

When they landed at the carnival, Adrien still clung onto Mirielle with his eyes squeezed so tightly shut, they were starting to hurt.

"Adrien, we've landed. You're alive," Mirielle laughed, pulling him into a hug playfully.

He dared to peek one eye open and found himself to be in front of the carnival.

"Oh. Haha, of course," he chuckled nervously, slowly unwrapping his sweaty arms from Ladybug.

"It's okay," she laughed sweetly, "I was like that when I first transformed and used my yoyo."

He gave a small chuckle and pulled out the two carnival tickets for the both of them. They both went to stand in line.

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