The Day II

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Adrien shot his hand up as a last minute volunteer to say a word about what Marinette meant to him. He had to let others know that she was more than just a teenage girl. She was more special than words could describe, but he had to try his best. He couldn't let his lady down.

His own stern father gave him a smile and put a hand to his shoulder. Adrien swallowed hard once he stood up in the front.

"M-Mar- Marinette was-" he stuttered, a lump slowly forming in his throat. He couldn't get the words out of his mouth. Those eyes, her smile, it all came flashing to him in a heartbeat. How could he say anything that could describe what she meant to him?

Instead, he stood up there, stuttering. He looked and saw Mirielle who gave him an encouraging smile. Her poor second cousin was gone, and she left behind so many heartbroken friends and family.

Even then, he couldn't find a way to say what he wanted to say. Tears made their way down his cheeks and dribbled onto his shirt.

"Chat? What's wrong?" Marinette asked the cat as he sat in the rain, in a corner of an alley crying.

"Hey Princess," he wiped his tears, fast like nothing happened. At that moment, he couldn't let her see that he was crying. He wasn't supposed to cry in front of her. He was her hero.

"Is something wrong?" She asked him, kneeling down, holding an umbrella over the both of them.

"It's just- nothing," he sighed, looking up into her beautiful blue eyes.

"No! You can tell me anything, Chat," she insisted, gently bringing her hand down to touch his shoulder assuringly.

"There are other people who have real problems in the world and I'm crying about stress at home. I'm such a terrible hero," Chat's voice broke out of frustration as tears begun to spill out from his eyes..

Marinette sympathetically pulled the sobbing kitty into her arms and stroked his hair. "Chat Noir, listen to me. Just because you think there are bigger problems in the world does not mean you can't cry. Everyone cries. It's only human, or should I call it kitty cat in your situation?" she giggled a bit, earning a small smile from the kitty in return.

He let himself melt into her warm embrace as he let out a few more muffled sobs he had held back.

She sat with him, propping the umbrella over the both of them while holding the overwhelmed kitten in her arms as he cried. She stroked his hair continually, calming him.

He choked out a sob, missing his princess so much

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He choked out a sob, missing his princess so much. He hated that she wasn't here. She was supposed to be here! He needed her at that moment, and she wasn't there for him! She wasn't beside him anymore and that was what scared him. His partner could no longer be with him.

Those memories kept coming back, hurting his heart more and more. He couldn't stand the fact that he didn't save her from death. Hawkmoth won the battle. Adrien felt that he allowed the villain to win. Even though her miraculous wasn't taken, Marinette was gone instead and to him, that was much worse than losing the miraculous.

Mirielle saw him struggling to say something. She saw he couldn't help but keep crying in front of everyone about Marinette. Her pity extended out to him, knowing he took the loss to heart.

She went up to rescue him from the troubles of crying in front of everyone in that room. Without thinking, she ascended the stairs to the front where Adrien stood.

"I'm so sorry, Adrien. Marinette was amazing and in sure she would've appreciated that you were here," Mirielle whispered as she took the blonde into a hug.

Adrien couldn't take the pain of living without his princess. How was she here one moment, and gone the next? It all didn't add up to him.

Adrien hugged Mirielle back, which took her by surprise. Something inside of her sparked, and she knew it was wrong. There was no way she would let herself fall for the boy that Marinette loved, and she would do her best to make sure of it.

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