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wow, i havent even started my period yet and mother nature is already making my life hell via cramps

thanks mother nature, fuck you too

oh, and i'm going through minor writers block on this book

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay (note the sarcasm, it's crucial)

okay i literally was listening to this song the whole time while writing this chapter, in order to not fall asleep bc i'm vv tired omfg, but beebo is so cute in this video i cannot

comment if youre reading this, just wondering

okay, i'll leave you alone now



You sat there with your face in your hands. You didn't know what the hell was going on with your emotions. You sensed someone sit next to you, already knowing who it was.

"Y/n, really, are you okay?" Dan asked. You didn't look up at him.

"Y/n, what's caused you to be this way? Are you always like this?" Dan asked. You noticed something in his voice... sadness? Sympathy?

No, you're probably mishearing him. Why would he care about you? You'd just met him yesterday.

Then why was he out here with you?

"I'm fine, Dan," you simply replied.

"Y/n, please look at me," Dan pleaded. You slowly looked up at him. He put his hand under your chin. Sparks erupted, and you took a shaky breath.

"What's caused you to be this way?" he asked. You stared into his deep brown eyes.

"N-nothing, please drop it," you said, trying to focus, but it was kind of hard to when his hand was under your chin. You could practically feel your pupils dilating.

"Y/n, please tell me," Dan pleaded again. You wanted to tell him, but you'd only met him yesterday.

"Dan, drop it," you said, a sudden sternness in your voice. Dan dropped his hand from your chin, as well as the subject. It felt empty without his touch, but you ignored it. You sat there, staring into the street. Why did you feel this way?

You looked back over at Dan, and wondered what he was thinking. Was he confused about why you wouldn't tell him? He didn't look confused. But then again, did you look confused?

No, probably not, you probably looked like a total mess. Your hair was probably messy, your eyes were probably tired and red.

You heard f/n's laugh, and turned around to see Phil and her laughing about something stupid probably. You smiled, and got up to walk over.

"Phil is so funny!" f/n said. She had her hand around his left arm, and there was a light in her eyes. A light you hadn't seen in such a long time. She didn't just have a crush. No, it wasn't a schoolgirl's crush that she'd get over in a month or less.

She was in love. Your smile widened.

"F/n, you're hilarious!" Phil said, looking down to he could meet f/n's eyes. He had something in his yes too.

Oh shit!

They both liked each other. How in the world did this happen? You laughed a little. You walked over to f/n.

"We have to go, come on!" you said, tugging at her arm. You could tell she didn't want to leave, but eventually you got her to agree to leave.

"Bye Phil!" she said, and Phil gave her a hug. You could visibly see that she was blushing, and you smiled. When they pulled apart, she looked happy. "Bye f/n, remember to text me," Phil said. A blush crept up his cheeks. F/n smiled.

You awkwardly waved goodbye to Dan. He got up and gave you a two second hug.

Best two seconds of your life.


lmao this chapter is shit but anyyyyyyways

Searching for him.... (Dan Howell x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now