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update número dos today,, let me tell you I've been waiting for this scene since i STARTED tis book holy crap



You guys got out safely and quickly, and were now on the underground. You were clutching onto the same pole as Dan was, as there were no more seats available after F/n and Phil got on. You shivered.

"Y/n, are you cold?" a voice interrupted your thoughts. Your head snapped up.

"A little, why?" you looked up at him. He pulled off his jacket and slipped it over your shoulders. You smiled.

"Now you're gonna be cold, idiot," you teased. He rolled his eyes and shot you an award winning grin.

"No, you see, if I'm cold, I'll just hug you and my whole heart will warm up. Besides, you look great in my jacket," he smirked slightly.

"Smooth, Howell, smooth as hell," you laughed and shrugged the jacket fully on.

"That I am, Y/l/n, that I am. Hey, do you want to go into town with me? I need to go to the supermarket," he asked. You nodded, agreeing. It's not like you had anything else to do. Dan smiled, showing his little dimple. You shook your head and rolled your eyes.


"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. Y/N!" You snapped your head round to see Dan.

"What the hell do you want?" Your eyes tore themselves from the pavement and brown ones bore into yours.

"I'm hungry, that's all," he whined. You rolled your eyes once more.

"Come on then, but you're paying," you replied. He agreed as you looked up the nearest (favourite restaurant).

You two began walking in the general direction of it and you began to think. To think about Dan.

Truth is, I fucking love you.

Holy fucking hell, that had just hit you. That he'd said that.

He had you as his phone wallpaper. You had to see it.

"Dan, can I see your phone really quickly?" You asked, stopping in the middle of the pavement in front of a brick wall. He looked at you quizzically.

"May I ask why?" he queried.


You had to think of an excuse, and fast.

"Um, I need to text F/n and mine is low," you lied. He cautiously handed you his phone. You thanked him and opened it, and saw your face smiling back at you. It was, in fact, the picture he'd said it was.

Holy shit.

"Dan, can I ask you something?" The streets were crowded, you began to walk into an alleyway, Dan following behind, confused as hell.

"I suppose, what is it? Are you okay?" His voice was laced with concern, and it weaved in a tight web of worry.

"You... you were talking to me, when I was unconscious, right? That wasn't a dream?" you were pacing back and forth, trying to figure out an equation in your head, a equation of you and him.

"Oh Lord. Could you... could you hear me?" His face crinkled up in worry, his eyes slightly losing the shine they'd held only seconds before. You remembered how vulnerable he was, how he'd poured his heart out. You stepped closer to him. His scent was all around you, you were wearing his jacket, for fucks sake.

"You didn't answer my question, Howell." Your clammy palms shook. You were scared of his answer.

"Y-yes. I was," his voice shook more than your palms. You looked up at him, his eyes were looking straight at you.

"Fuck equations," you muttered to yourself.

You grabbed his collar, pushing him against to brick, and pressed your lips to his.

Searching for him.... (Dan Howell x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now