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[i dont think dan and phil actually own a car,, but they have to have a car in the story so dil with it]

"Come on, then, let's go," Phil said. You started walking, only to trip over a crack in the sidewalk. You went toppling over, unable to stop yourself. "Dammit!" You yelled, before an arm wrapped around your waist, preventing you from hitting the ground. You heard Dan laughing, and you were pulled up.

"How was your trip? Did you like Niagara Falls?" Dan said, laughing.

"Dan, that joke is so old! I'm cringing!" Phil laughed. You smiled. These two weird guys could make you smile. Something about them just makes you smile. Maybe it was the alcohol.

"Definitely the alcohol," you said quietly to yourself.

"What did you say, y/n?" Dan said. You silently face palmed. Why did you have to say things??

"N-nothing! I said nothing!" you quickly said. Dan laughed.

"Come on, let's drive you home," Dan said, opening the door to his car. You climbed into the back, and Dan and Phil sat in the front, Dan driving. You eventually fell asleep in their car.

  *time skip to when you wake up*

When you woke up, you had a massive headache. You looked around, to see you were in f/n's living room.

"I-I-I-I-I have a migraine," you quietly sung , before laughing to yourself. You wondered what had happened last night.

Then you remembered.

A lot of memories came back to you, but one stood out.


Where the hell was he?

You tried to get up, only to let out a small scream and fall back onto the couch.

You were hungover.

F/n came into the living room with a glass of water.

"Heyyy Y/n, sit down, drink some water," f/n said, dragging out the 'y.' She handed you the glass of water, and you drank it quickly. "Thank you, f/n," you said, rubbing your temples. God, this was a bad headache.

"What happened, y/nn," f/n asked. (y/nn i've decided is going to be your nickname)

Flashes of walking in on Alex came back to you.

"Alex... Alex cheated on me...,," you choked on your words a bit. F/n sat next to you and wrapped her arms around you.

"Y/nn, not to rub salt in the wound, but I told you he was a player. I'm sorry," she said, hugging you tightly. You laughed a little at the first thing she said.

"You did tell me, didn't you. You always had an eye for those who only wanted to be a one night stand," you said, laughing a humorless laugh.

"Well, I've been with many of them," she jokingly said.

"F/N!!" You yelled, jumping up and punching her arm. She started laughing.

"There's my Y/nn. And I was joking. Do you want some *your favorite ice cream*?" She said, and smiled. You smiled back like a little kid on Christmas.

"You know I do!" You yelled happily.

"Netflix marathon of *your favorite show* with *your favorite snacks*?" she suggested. You nodded your head quickly, and she laughed.

You spent the rest of the day trying to forget about Alex, watching *your favorite show* and eating food with f/n.

Searching for him.... (Dan Howell x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now