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Dark world.

Light room.

Two friends, playing a game.

"Alright, name one thing that makes you happy, then I'll do the same, and we continue until one of us runs out. Then, we start telling each other what we like about each other. Simple enough," Phil said, smiling. You laughed softly and sat on the couch, legs crossed.

"Alright. Dan. Your go," you started. He smiled.

"F/n. Your go."

"F/n and you, my best friends."

"Dan and you, my best friends."

"Phil, you cheeky little kid, you can't repeat everything I say," you joked. He laughed.

"Last time I checked I invented this game, my rules," his tongue poked out as he smiled. You rolled your eyes. The world was a little brighter.

You two played that game until morning struck, the sun rising over the tall city buildings seen from the flat's window. Soon, Dan woke up. He sat on the couch next to you.

"Hey, I see you and Phil stayed up all night," he laughed. You smiled.

"Yep, Y/n kept cheating on our game though," Phil smiled cheekily. You gasped with fake shock.

"Me? Cheating? Never!" You put your hand on your heart and dramatically rolled your eyes to the back of your head, and let your head fall back onto the sofa. You heard the two boys laugh at your little scene. You heard more footsteps down the hall and soon enough F/n was sat next to Phil. She nuzzled her head into the side of him and he put his arm around her. She smiled in content.

"Morning," she sighed. You chuckled and looked over at Dan. His eyes had a slight hint of concern, but mostly consisted of another look. You knew what it was. He'd always used that look with you. "Heart Eyes Howell," as the phandom had called it.

You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder.

"Hey. I know I screwed up last night, but from here on out I promise to protect you, love. I'm sorry. Nobody deserves that. And if I ever find him I will beat the fuck out of him," Dan whispered. You squeezed your eyes shut and opened them back up.

"Hey Dan?"


"I think I really really like you and I think I know last night wasn't your fault and I think I want you to know it'll take time for me to fully recover," you nearly just breathed out in one word. You felt Dan kiss the top of your head.

"I know, baby. But I'm willing to be here every step of the way, because I really really like you too," he whispered. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it, and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

Maybe it was a bit more than really really liking him.

Searching for him.... (Dan Howell x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now