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i write better at 2am ngl, i'm less irritable seeing as nobody is fuCKING AWAKE to piss me off


"For fucks sake, Howell, shut the hell up and accept your defeat."

It'd been three days since your kiss with Dan, and now he was whining about you beating him at Mario Kart.

"Yeah, but you beat me, and I don't like losing, Y/l/n," he flopped onto the couch and pouted falsely. You laughed.

"Again, shut up, I'm going to punch you if you don't," you threatened. Dan got a cocky smile on his face.

"Dare you, bet you won't," he winked.

"Did you just fucking wink at me, Howell?"

"Bet your ass I did," his smile conformed itself to a smirk. You punched him in the arm and his smirk fell into a frown.

"You're gonna regret that," he jokingly threatened. You rolled your eyes and scrolled through Tumblr on your phone.

"Make me," you threw at him sarcastically. You reblogged something on Tumblr and heard Dan mutter something under his breath. You turned to look at him.

"What was that, Howell?"

You felt your phone being taken out of your hands and Dan pulled you into his lap so you were straddling him.

"I said, I will, Y/L/n."

He crashed his lips into yours. Your senses overloaded and all you could do was kiss back. It was heated, desperate, as if Dan had been waiting for another kiss. Truth be told, you had been too. You'd spent all night one night not sleeping, thinking about the kiss, replaying everything in your mind. Every detail of everything having to do with Dan, and fantasising how your next kiss would go.

You hadn't imagined anything this good.

It was indescribable via words, a feeling you could only feel yourself. It sent shivers down your spine, butterflies erupting, not only in your stomach, but breaking free from their cage and setting flight through your whole body.

Dan's hands travelled up your back as your own made their way to his hair, tangling yourself in him, wanting every inch of your body touching his.

It was perfect.

Alas, you had to break free from your high and the kiss for air.

Damn oxygen, who needs to breathe anyways?

Your lips were slightly swollen and Dan's hair was messed up, his curls ruffled. He grinned at you.

"Hey, guess what," he beamed at you like a puppy. You laughed and flopped off his lap, into the spot beside him.

"What, love?" you couldn't believe you'd just called him that. You hoped he wouldn't notice.

He did, and smirked before saying, "I really like you, Y/n."

You rolled your eyes slightly. "Right, I thought you were just using me for sex," you joked. His face grew straight as a stone and his eyes widened slightly.

"Y/n, you know I'd never pressure you into something you didn't want to do, right? I mean, that'd be rape technically, and first of all, I don't wanna be charged with rape, second of all, I really care about you and would never do that to you, not that I'd do that to someone I didn't care about, not that I don't care about random strangers, just not as much as I care about you-" Dan started babbling. You cut him off.



"Shut up," you said softly. His whole posture relaxed and you rested your head on his shoulder. His arms found their way around you, snuggling you closer to him.

"I trust you," those three words were earth shattering. They meant the world. Maybe it wasn't the "L" word, but it meant you felt deeply for him, platonically or romantically alike. You closed your eyes in bliss.

You two sat in silence for a few minutes before Dan's soft voice cut through it.



"Would you like to, maybe, uhm, go on a date type thing sorta kinda with me? Tomorrow night? Or y'know, if you don't want to that's fine...," He added extra words, his voice was nervous. You looked up at his big brown eyes.

"Sure Dan, I'd love to go on a date with you."

He looked relieved, to say the least.

Searching for him.... (Dan Howell x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now