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okay sorry i went to a pool party heres update number two for today



You woke up in the morning with your phone on your chest. You remembered yesterday and smiled. Dan is adorable.

You definitely have a huge crush and there's no doubt about it.

You got up and walked into the kitchen, where f/n was making pancakes. She smiled and continued mixing the batter. (how do you make pancakes in the uk whats the difference??)

You sat at the counter stool and watched f/n mixing, feeling happy. You'd had a nice dream last night.

You were walking into your new flat. It was an okay size. You thought you'd recognized the layout, but you weren't sure. You walked into your new bedroom and started decorating.

A little while later, after you'd decorated a bit, you heard a knock at the door. You walked out to the door and opened it. A very familiar face was looking down.

"Hi, um, my roommate is making me socialize with our new neighbor, I'm-" he started, before you cut him off.

"DAN!" You yelled, and jumped at him. He caught you, but the sudden fact that someone was in his arms made him spin around a bit. You hugged him for a while before he put you down.

"If I'd known you were our neighbor Phil wouldn't have had to push me out the door!" he joked. Your face lit up even more.

"WHERE'S PHIL!" you yelled. Dan laughed and pointed to the right, where Phil was standing in front of the next door down. You ran up to him and hugged him.

"PHIL DID YOU KNOW Y/N WAS OUR NEIGHBOR!" You heard Dan say from next to you. Phil let go of you and nodded, then laughed as Dan shoved him playfully.

"I thought it would be funny to see your reaction. I did not expect a love scene straight from a book!" he said, and you blushed and looked down. You felt arms go around your waist and someone pick you up. You squealed, as the person walked towards Dan and Phil's flat. Phil opened the door and you were carried inside onto the couch. Dan flopped down next to you, smiling like a goof. You punched his shoulder playfully and he pretended to be hurt. You laughed.

A little while later, you were watching *your favorite movie.* You were sitting at the end of the couch, Dan was sitting next to you, Phil at the other end. You started to get tired, so you rested your head on Dan's shoulder. You felt Dan sigh in contentment. A bit later, you felt his hands go around you and he kissed your forehead. 

"Sweet dreams, beautiful," you heard him whisper. You smiled and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Searching for him.... (Dan Howell x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now