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hEy i didnt forget about you guys but writer's block+ a horrible cold does not mix with writing this type of chapter

afycso is my favorite p!atd album fight me

um so i kinda told my crush i liked him and he rejected me in the nicest way possible and said we could still be friends but i havent talked to him since and i really havent talked to anyone since that but in other news im still trash



{ Dan's P.O.V. } pfft no i'm not going to change p.o.v.'s more frequently pffffffffffffffft

"WHERE'S Y/N!" I yelled. I saw f/n shoot up, and Phil stiffen. I looked around frantically. I didn't see anything. I sprinted out of the building.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" I screamed as loud as I could. This couldn't be happening, no. Not Y/n. Not her.

I looked at the brick buildings across the street. I saw shadows. Then I heard it. The horrible sound.

Y/n screaming.

I ran across the street, not looking for cars. I needed to get to her. I ran in between the building and saw a flash of pink. I crouched down and peered over to see what was happening. But all I heard was a soft voice.


{ Second Person P.O.V. }

She hit you again, and again. You felt searing pain shoot up your spine as she pushed you against the wall and hit you again. You cried out in pain. She pushed you down onto the ground and pinned your wrists down. You wanted to cry. You wanted to scream out with every fiber of your being.

But you couldn't.

It was like some invisible force was preventing you from doing anything. Like something was making you accept what was happening to you, and preventing you from preventing it. You hated it.

The girl slapped you across the face, then got off you. She was soon replaced by a man bigger than the green-eyed man. He had cold, grey eyes.

"I'm going to have a lot of fun with you, but you need to cooperate," he growled. You tried to squirm away, but it didn't work. The man brought out a cloth.

"I guess we'll have to do this the hard way then," he smirked, and pressed the cloth over your mouth and nose. He lifted it a minute later, and you felt like passing out. You had to do something. Anything.

"D-Dan!" you choked out before you blacked out.

Searching for him.... (Dan Howell x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now