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good girls are bad girls that havent been caught

short but sweet chapter


You turned on the camera and quickly sat on your bed. You smiled, beginning your video.

"Hey guys! Y/n here. Its's been a while!" You sighed.

"So today I have something important to tell you guys, and I might get hated on a bit, but that's okay because I am happy! I hope you guys will support me." You took a deep breath, preparing yourself.

"So, recently there's been a bit of a rumour going around, mainly circulating Dan and I. If you have a twitter at all, surely you've seen these images," you pointed upwards, making a mental note to put in the dreaded images.

"Since these images were released by an uncredited source, the rumour has been that Dan and I are dating. Now, usually I wouldn't make videos addressing rumours, however, for once, the twitter trolls without lives are right. Dan and I are a couple," You smiled and Dan came from the other room and sat next to you. He grinned at you and looked at you. You knew someone would know it as heart eyes howell. You smiled and blushed slightly at the thought.

You recovered quickly. You'd be a great actor.

"Anyways, so, we're not planning to exploit our relationship for views, but we thought it'd be quite fun to do a boyfriend does my makeup challenge! So, without further ado, here is the video!"

Searching for him.... (Dan Howell x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now