Chapter 3

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I woke and got ready it was Friday which ment smackdown which also ment the shield today we had a segment and they came down to my match. I got my duffle bag and went to the arena leaving punk to sleep since he didn't have to be there. I got in my car and drove to the arena I walked into the divas locker room got changed and ready for the segment.

The door slammed open. I turned to see the camera crew and the shield. Here goes nothing. "Nice to see you darling." He said as the girls ran out of the room and he lend in for a kiss I put my hand on his chest pushing him back. I sucked in air "mmmmmmm pass." I said turning back to my stuff.

He rapped his arms around me from behind. "I wasn't asking." He said kissing my neck. I pushed him back. And turned "can I help you sir." I said snapping my finger. "Yes you can except are offer and join the shield and then you can kiss me." He said once again leaning in. Again I stopped him. "See I would but I have this thing called a heart and a brain you guys might wanna get some it'll do Ya good." I said Dean smirked pit his hand around my waist and whispers. "Two can play at that game." Then they left.soon the camera crew did too.

I went out to my match and did my usual enterernce high fives fans went to the top rope did the rock and roll sigh and then a back flip of the top rope. That always seemed to get the fans excited. Tamina snoka came out and we had our match. She gained the upper hand first the I did a quick reversal and my famous finisher I went for the cover when I heard.








What they aren't suppose to come out. I couldn't let them distract me I went for the cover she kicked out. They surrounded the ring. I went to the top rope I jumped off and connected with the elbow to the heart. I covered her and she kicked out again I looked up at Dean who was smiling and had a Mic. I pushed him off the mat and turn and got a kick to the head 1...2.... I kicked out I would not the her or Dean win. She screamed and went to the top rope I didn't move TELL she jumped off I rolled out of the way then covered her 1...2...3 ding ding ding. "Your winner, Carter." Jillian announced. I turned around and there they were the shield I grabbed a mic "did y'all come all they way down here to congratulate me I knew the answer.

Dean smiled "no but I can tell you this pay backs a bitch." And then Aj hit me with my own title she stood over me. Laughing. "I would like to introduce to all you aj the newest member of the shield and my girlfriend Aj." Dean said looking at me trying to make me jealous did I need to remind him I had the best in the world for a boyfriend. I stood up I was 5'8 an was only 5'2 I looked down at her with the Mic in my hand " pay back is a bitch and I can tell you this yours is not gonna be just a title to the head ima unleash a can of wop'ass all over you beatch." She looked at me. "Don't call me that." She said anger forming in her eyes. "O sorry I meant crazy Bitch my mistake and with that I bid you ado." I skipped around the ring mocking her.

I went back stage and was created by my best friend miz. He had gotten over the whole punk thing once he saw that he treated me right. "Heyyyyy." I said hugging him."Hey,I saw your match nice job. But I gtg I have a match of my own" he winked at me and then left. I turned a corner and bumped into Chris jericho man that guy was sexy. I started to fall but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up on right before I hit the ground. Are faces were inches apart "hey sorry about that I'll have to watch where I'm going next time." I said moving back and rubbing my arms I moved back and tripped Zeb coulter I wasn't to broken up about him I didn't like him anyway. "Watch where your going!" Jack screamed in my face ready to hit me Chris pulled me behind him. "It as an accident man calm down."

Jack looked at him then me I stuck my tongue out like a child. He squinted his eyes at me as Zeb struggled to get up Antonio helped him up. "Yeah just keep that bitch on a leash!" He spat at me. "Hellz to the no. I know you did not just that."I said Chris was right next to me. "Yeah I did and what are you gonna do about it?!" He said. "Yell first I'm going to kick you in the balls then I'm going to throw you of a fucking cliff." I said smiling inisintly and pulling out my phone."Siri can I have directions to the nearest cliff?" I said into my phone then siri said. "There is a cliff 3.6 miles from here." I smiled. "I'm watching you." Jack said he was about to hit me when Chris jumped in front and they left. "Thanks" I said "no problem I always love hearing a smartass tell someone off." He said smiling. "I don't get them there called the real Americans but Antonio is Swedish like WFT." I smiling "well I gtg find punk bie." I aid and walked away running into a few other people. And knocking things over I would pick them up and say sorry then run away. I got back to my locker room where punk was waiting. "There you are." He said and hugged me. "Where we're you?" He asked. "I saw miz after my match then literally ran into Chris the an into Jack who just about punched me for making zeb fall. Then he called me a bitch I threatened to kick him in the balls and throw him off a cliff then he amost hit me but Chris stopped him. But hey you know just another day in the WWE."

He smiled as did I. Punk wasn't the type to get jealous he was chill I liked that most about him well not counting his smile man his smile is adorable. We left the arena and went to dinner. After that we went back watched movie I fell asleep tracing his tattoos with my hand.




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