Chapter 28

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I woke up without Phil's arm around me. I got up and walked into the kitchen. He was trying to make breakfast I watched him. He was at the skillet cooking eggs and dropped the skillet I couldn't help but laugh he turned around and looked at me. He had flower all over his face and shirt. "um I-a I was trying to make breakfast for you." he said looking at the burnt pancakes and the eggs scattered over the floor.

"Looks delicious" I said and chuckled. He sighed. I walked up and cupped his face in my hands and kissed him. "Thank you, but let's room service." I said and he chuckled "agreed." He said. and reached for the phone. "I'll order, you go take a shower." I said and he looked at himself. "You don't like the flower look?" he said and posed I laughed. "it's lovely" he chuckled and took his shirt off as he walked to the bathroom. I chuckled and grabbed the phone.

After I ordered I cleaned the eggs off the floor and throw the Pancakes away. I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and they wheeled the cart in. I thanked him and gave him a 5. Phil came out of the bedroom in basketball short and shirtless.

We ate breakfast and I got in the shower. I was going to be on a talk show today. I got dressed and walked out of the bedroom. Phil was on the phone with his back to me. He hung up and I jumped on his back. He screamed and I laughed. "Jesus Carter!" he said and I laughed some more I jumped down and he turned around with a devilish smile on his face. "nooooo" I said and ran away he chased me.

He tackled me onto the bed and tickled me. I laughed. "Say I'm the best in the world!" he said I kept laughing. "Never!" he kept tickling me. "Okay, okay you're the best in the world" he laughed and got off me. "That's what I thought." I laughed and got up I redid my hair and makeup since Phil ruined it.

"Okay I'm going to the show." I said and started to walk out the door. I felt two arms go around me "Not until you give me my good bye kiss" he said I giggled and turn around in his arms. I wrapped mine around his neck and kissed him. I pulled away and walked out the door smiling.

I got to the set for Ellen. That's right little old me got on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. I got a mic and the show started.

"Thanks for being here everybody. Hello everybody to the Ellen DeGeneres show, My first guest is the Divas Champion! She has faced almost every diva and won, she has faced Brock Lenard and survived, but the most impressive thing is she is dating WWE superstar CM Punk!" the crowed cheered. "So please welcome WWE diva Carter!" I walked out and waved to everyone. I hugged Ellen and sat in the chair.

"Well Carter, it's no secret that you are a very good Wrestler." she said I laughed. "I guess not." the crowed cheered. "But really I have to give the credit to my friends and family. There great and help me get to where I am today." I said and smiled the crowed awed I smiled. "Well where you are today is really great. Is that the divas title?" she asked. "yes it is actually." "can I hold it?" "yeah of course it's a little heavy." I handed it to her. "O my this thing weighs a ton." I laughed. "let's just put that here." she said and sat it on the table between us.

"So I realize you have been out for quit awhile?" she said. "yeah. I got in a car accident about a month ago. I had suffered from major brain damage, 4 broken ribs, a broken arm, and a severally fractured ankle. I was unconscious for two weeks and when I woke up I didn't remember any if it...i didn't even remember Punk." I said "wow that's crazy I can't imagine what you went thought, but I imagine you're not 100%" she said. "no my ribs aren't completely healed but my ankle and arm are." I said "what about your head?" she asked "well I remember Punk and a... I remember my job and everything. Still get crazy headaches tho." I said and chuckled.

"Well on a little lighter note, you fought Brock Lesnar for 10 minutes until the shield came down and help you." I nodded. "yeah, that was not the most fun I have match been through. It probably the most painful match I've been through." I said. "since then what's your relationship with the shield like?"

"I don't think I would call it a 'relationship' but I'm thankful for then and I mean we talk now and I don't want to like kill them anymore but I wouldn't consider them friends. More like acquaintances" I lied Dean, Seth, and Roman were some of my best friends.

"So the fun and CM Punk?" she asked I smiled. "yeah." she laughed. "how long have you guys been going out?" She asked. Crap. "umm I actually don't know. I lost count. It's somewhere around a year." I chuckled. My phone went off.

Look in my eyes what do you see.

"I'm going to guess that's Punk?" I nodded and put it on speaker. "Hey baby." I said. "it's been a year and a half." He said and chuckled "I was close." I chuckled and the crowed cheered. "yeah, yeah" he said and hung up.

"I can really feel the love." Ellen said I smiled. "it kinda how we work. I mean after you have been with someone for so long you get use to them being there and you get confutable." I said.

"Well I noticed no ring?" She said "yeah no ring. Not just yet I guess." I said "What about in the future?" she asked. "yeah I could see one." I said and the crowed awed. I smiled.

"Well the future just came!" she said and looked behind me I turned around to see Phil on one knee with a box in his hands. My eyes widened. "Katherine Marie Carter will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I was shocked. I couldn't find the words I just stood there smiling like an idiot. I dropped to my knees In front of him and whispered "yes" before kissing him. I heard the crowed aw and smiled into the kiss. I pulled away and he put the ring on my finger.

"I guess it's Carter Marie Brooks now huh." I said and smiled. He kissed me and we stood up.

I looked at Ellen. "you planned this didn't you?" she smiled. "I might have had a little something to do with it." I smiled. "Thank you for being here today Carter." she said "Thank you." I said and hugged her. Phil and I walked backstage.

"I can't believe you did that on national Television." I said and kissed him. "I thought more romantic then doing it over burnt pancakes and floors eggs." I smiled and kissed him again.

I am now Carter Marie Brooks. (I gotta keep Carter.)


Hope you guys liked it!



Love ya-Carter

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