Chapter 16

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I was still pissed at Phil. he had called me 37 times, sent me 267 messages, and left me 29 voice mails. I have been ignoring him if you can't tell. Zach told me he liked me last night and we kissed but all I could think about was Phil so I ran away. he texted me.

Z-I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that.

C-it's okay. I'm sorry I ran away. it just reminded me of Phil kissing Eva and I couldn't handle it.

Z-I'm sorry.

C-really Z it's okay.

Z-well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies tonight after raw?

C-I would if I could I am showing these two new divas around after raw. :/ sorry but how bout wednesday?


I smiled and sat my phone down and got in the shower.

I got out and put on my denim skinny jeans with a crop top that said 'BACK UP BITCHES' on the front and on the back it said 'IM IN CHARGE' I put on my gray converse with Neon Green shoe laces. I put my hair into a tight bun and walked out the door.

I went to the lobby and sat with Randy, Dean (we became friends) Zach and Dolph. The divas didn't have a match at Raw so they were all sleeping in except me because I had to show the new girls around.

I sat between Dean and Randy. I had a bagel and cream cheese I looked at dean with puppy dog eyes "will you pwease put the cream cheese on my bagel?" I asked batting my eye lashes. I heard Randy chuckle and seth mumble "he's screwed" he sighed and grabbed the knife and spread the cream cheese. I smiled and he handed me it back I kissed his cheek "thank you" and ate my bagel.

"So why are you up? They said the divas didn't have a match." Randy said. I swallowed. "There's two new divas coming in, twins, Athena and Brooklyn. And Vince choose me to show them around." I said. I was actually excited. "That's cool." Dolph said I nodded.

"Well I got to go to the gym. I'm getting fat." Dolph said. "Are you serious you're skinnier then me!" He smiled and left. "I'm gonna get ready." Randy said and left. "same." and Zach left. It was Dean, Seth and I.

"I'm gonna get a shower." Seth said and left. Dean started to stand but I grabbed his arm. "please wait I have to wait for the twins to get here will you wait with me?" I asked batting my eyes. He sighed and sat back down. "you're lucky you're cute." he said and I smiled. I had all these boys wrapped around my finger.

We talked about lots of thing like Cars, and movies, actors, actresses, comedians everything then I saw two girls walk through the door. The one on the right had long dark brown hair, blue eyes and was wearing red skinny jeans with a cut up 'haters wanted' Miz shirt. The one on the left had long dirty blonde hair, with the same blue eyes, and was wearing white skinny jeans and a John Cena cut up shirt.

"I'm guessing that's them" I said looking at Dean who was in a trance. I smiled and made him stand up we walked over to them. I heard the one on the left whisper "Holy crap it's Dean!" I smiled.

"Hi, I'm Athena. This my sister Brooklyn." The one on the right said. I smiled "I'm Katherine but everyone calls me Carter and this is Jon but everyone calls him Dean." I said shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you!" Athena said. Dean and Brooklyn were starring at each other. "would you excuse us for minute?" Athena asked I nodded and they walked a little ways away. I slapped dean "Owwww" he said. "look I'm helping you. Play it cool okay you're drooling." I said and he wiped his mouth.

"Yeah okay." he said and they walked up.

"So have you guys checked in yet?" They shook there heads and we went and got there keys. Dean carried there things up and we got to there room. He put there stuff down and we left. He went to work out. I caught Brooklyn watching him leave.

"So you guys fans?" I asked nodding toward there shirts. "yeah, we have watched since I can remember." Athena said. "you're are favorite diva." Brooklyn said "thanks" I said smiling. "so Raws in 4 hours most of us get there about 3 hours early to train a little or just hang out. Um we can go there now and I can show you around if you want?" I said and they nodded. The arena was kinda far away so we got in my rental car and drove to the arena.

"Here we are!" I parked and we got out. I saw Mike one of the set up guys and waved. He waved back and kept working. we walked down the halls I pointed out places they should stay away from like where the Wyatt's hang out and where Brock, Paul, and Curtis are. I bumped into someone and fell I looked up and saw Curtis standing there alone.

"I'm sorry." he said and helped me up. "What?" I asked "I'm sorry for bumping into you?" he said a little confused. "wow I never thought a Paul Heyman guy would apologize for anything." I said he looked down.

"I'm not as bad as Brock." he said. "I don't hate everyone. and I don't hate you." he said I was surprised. "wow could have fooled me." I said I heard Athena and Brooklyn chuckle. He sighed and mumbled "whatever" before walking past us.

We walked to catering I introduced them to everyone. Eve walked up. "Excuse me but you guys are wanted for nap time in kindergarten." she said she was a bitch. "yeah and your wanted for bingo in the retirement home." Athena said I heard a rawr of "ooooo"'s I smiled. I remembered saying that to Vikki the first time I saw her.

I smiled. "Who do you think you are." she said "We think were smarter, faster and all around better then you." Brooklyn said. "what?!!" Eve said maybe I should step in.

"Okay Eve just go back to the retirement home you have already missed the first round." I said she went to slap me but Athena grabbed her arm and flipped her. "Told you we were faster." Brooklyn said. I smiled. "looks like we got a couple mini-Carters" I turned and saw Miz walking toward us I smiled and gave him a hug. "This is Athena and Brooklyn." I introduced them. "I like your shirt." he said pointing to Athena she smiled.

I saw two open chairs at a table with Randy, Dean, Seth, Dolph and Zach. We walked over and I let them have the seats. I saw Athena starring at Seth and Seth starring at her. I chuckled. Then I looked at Brooklyn and Dean who were looking at each other. I smiled again.

"Have a seat." Zach said patting his lap. I smiled and sat on his lap. I saw Phil walk in and tensed up. We locked eyes and he started walking over here. All the guys stood up and made a wall. I smiled and Athena, Brooklyn and I ran away.

"I thought you guys were dating?" Athena questioned.

"We were but I saw him kissing Eva. So we broke up." I said

"I'm sorry" Athena and Brooklyn said at the same time. I smiled come on let's go get your outfits.


Okay there we go I finally got them in there hope you like it please comment Vote and add this to your library. Don't forget to read my other story 'He's my brothers enemy but my crush'

Love ya-Carter

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