Chapter 38

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The baby's were due in 3 weeks. I was in the kitchen making some dinner for when Phil gets back. He was taking the next 3 weeks to be with me until the baby comes. I had just put the lasagna in the oven when I heard the door open and close I turned around but no one was there. I walked over to the door and saw his shoes. I felt two arms go around my waist.

"I missed you." He said. "I missed you too." I said and turned in his arms to face him. He kissed my forehead. "Who wouldn't miss me." He said I rolled my eyes playfully at him and went back to the kitchen. He followed me and sat on the counter. I checked the lasagna it still had 10 minutes left.

We sat on the couch and Phil started a movie. I heard the timer go off but before I could get up. Phil jumped up and went to the kitchen. I smiled and followed him. He pulled it out and sat it on the counter. He got two plates and put some on each. I smiled and took out two glasses. I got him a Pepsi and me a Sprite. After we ate I cleaned the kitchen and we went back to the movie.

*Two weeks later*

I woke up with Phil's arm around me. I smiled and got out of bed. I took a shower and changed into a lose T-Shirt and some shorts. I hated being pregnant I look so fat. I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Morning beautiful." Phil said. I smiled. "Good morning." He kissed my head. Suddenly pain shot through me and I cliched my stomach. "What's wrong?!" Phil asked. "I-I think they're coming." I said and looked at him. His eyes we as wide as hockey pucks. "Now?!" He asked. "No Phil next year." I said sarcastically and felt pain again.

"Okay, okay I'll take you to the hospital." Before I could take a step he scooped me off my feet and ran me to the car.

We arrived at the hospital and he carried me in. He placed me in a wheel chair as doctors came running toward us. They took me to a room and I got on the bed. This was not going to be fun. I thought as Phil grabbed my hand.

I looked up and saw Phil holding our two baby's. A boy and a girl. I smiled at him and he looked up at me smiling. "Look guys mommy's awake." He said and carried them to me. I held them my arms and Phil got out his phone and took a picture.

"What are we going to name them?" Phil asked. "I like Ruby." I said he nodded. "I like Jane." I smiled "Ruby Jane Brooks." I said he nodded. "I like it." I smiled. "What about Ashton, or Taylor." He smiled. "Or both Ashton Taylor Brooks." I nodded. "That wasn't so hard." He laughed. "Not at all." The nurse came in and took them to the nursery so we could get some rest.

*A couple days later*

We finally got to go home. Phil was driving I kept looking back at Ruby and Ashton. We finally got home and Phil got Aston and I got Ruby. "Welcome home guys." I said as I walked in. "Congratulations!!!!" People screamed. I smiled. Kylie, Roman, Dean, Dolph, Seth, John, Daniel, The Bella's, and more of our friends we standing there. They came and looked at the baby's and gave me a hug.

I let Nikki hold Ruby so I could give Kylie a proper hug. I haven't seen her in almost 2 months. "Hey! I haven't seen you in so long!" We both said at the same time. "Congratulations!" She said and looked at Ruby and over to Ashton who was being held by John and smile. "Thanks." I looked back at her and saw a ring. I raised an eye brow. "Who's is that?!" I asked she looked at the ring. "Oh yeah Roman preposed. That reminds me, be my maid of honor?" She asked. "Of course!!" I said and hugged her. "Wait so how did it happen?" I asked sitting down. "Well we were on a picnic and we were looking at he stars. Then he started complementing me and then he got on one knee and asked me." She said smiling and showing us her ring, which was beautiful. "That's so sweet, ya done good Roman." We wall looked over at Roman, who was talking to the guys, and giggled.

I took Ruby from Brie, who I guess took her from Nikki, and took her upstairs to the room Phil and I had made. I looked in the room and Punk was in there with Ashton. "And here's your bed, I wanted to get you the one with flames but your mom wanted the carnival one, important lesson always listen to mommy." I smiled and kept listening. "I know you're going to be just as nice as your mom and as handsome as me." I held back a giggle.

"You know you're going to have to watch over that sister of yours. Don't let anyone hurt her. Treat her like a princess and when she starts bringing boys home, well you and I can handle them. Your going to grow up being loved and I promise here and now, I won't let anything hurt you, your sister, or your mommy. You are my family and I love you all." He said and kissed Ashtons head before putting him in the crib. I smiled and walked in.

I kissed his cheek and put Ruby in her crib. "Did you ah hear that?" He asked rubbing his neck. I smiled and nodded. "You're right you know." I said he looked at me confused. "About which part?" He asked. "It's important to always listen to mommy." I said and walked out. He followed me chuckling.

We walked back down stairs everyone but Roman, Dean, Seth, and Kylie left. "Congrats guys." Dean said and gave Phil and I a hug. "Yeah they're really cute." Seth said and also hugged us. Roman just smiled and hugged us. Kylie walked up. "They're really cute just like their mother." I smiled "Thanks Kylie." I hugged her. Once we pulled away she said, "I'm hungry, do you have any food." I chuckled "In the kitchen."

We all walked into the kitchen and made some waffles. After we ate I went up and fed Ruby while Kylie fed Ashton. We changed them into some footy PJs then put them to bed. "Thanks for the help." I said and gave her a hug. "No problem. I'll always be here to help." We walked down stairs. Roman was passed out and Dean was laying against him. Seth had his head in Deans lap and Phil was laying on the back of the couch over all of them.

"How the hell did they manage to get like that?" I whispered and looked at Kylie who was already taking pictures. I chuckled and took my phone out and took some pictures. I set one as my lock screen. I got out a couple blankets and covered them. "Good night boys." I said and Kylie went to the guest room and I went to Phil and I's room. I finally had everything I ever wanted.


I know guys it took forever, and I'm sorry. I know it's short again sorry. I don't know if I'm going to end it or not but yeah.

Comment whether you want me to end it or not and if you like the baby names.

Also vote and read my other stories!

Love ya- Carter

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