Chapter 39

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I heard crying and poked Phil. "Phil, wake up." I said. "Hmmmm." Was his reply. What a help. I chuckled and got up. I went in and saw Ashton and Ruby both crying. I went back to my room grabbed a pillow and threw it and Phil he shot up. "What?!" I smiled and walked out. I heard him follow. I picked up Ashton and started rocking him.

Phil picked up Ruby and she almost instantly stopped crying. "Daddy's girl already." I said and he chuckled before putting her back. Ashton stopped crying a little later and I put him back. We walked out and turned the light off before going back to bed.

*20 minutes later*

I woke up to more crying. "Oh my god why did we have two children?" Phil said I chuckled and rolled out of bed. We rocked them more until they feel asleep again. We went back to bed and laid down.

*30 minutes later*

No crying this time! Just the door bell. "You're getting it." Phil and I said at the same time. We both laughed. He got up and went to answer the door. I closed my eyes again. "Hey baby?" Phil came back in. "Hmm?" He chuckled. "It's Kylie and Roman. Kylie said she would stay with you while Roman and I went to the gym is that okay?" He asked. "Yeah of course go. Try not to pass out on the treadmill." He laughed and went down stairs.

"HEY BEST FRIEND!" I heard before a body landed on mine. "Hmmmmmm" I said she chuckled. "Someone seems tired." She said without moving off me. I don't even care. I am way to tired to get her to move. I closed my eyes again.

I woke up and looked at the clock. 12:00. Shit. I jumped and and went to check on the twins. Kylie was rocking Ashton and feeding him. I smiled. "Thanks Kylie." I said. "No problem. You needed some sleep. You look like shit go take a shower." I chuckled and did as she said. I changed into a crop top, seeing as how my prego belly went down, and a pair of skinny jeans.

"That's better." Kylie said and I walked into the twins room. "I still haven't burped Ruby if you wanna jump in." She said I nodded and burped her. We talked about the wedding and decided one a date to go look for a wedding dress for her. We also decided on red dresses for the bridesmaids. After burping a couple dipper changes and some lost binky's they were asleep. We went down stairs and collapsed on the couch.

Roman and Phil walked in a couple minutes later. "Hey lady's how was babysitting." They asked. "Just wonderful, but guess what?" I said. "What?" Phil asked. "Tomorrow you two get to watch the kids and Carter and I are going shopping!" Kylie said and we smiled at them. "I didn't sign up for this." Roman said. "To late babe. You're in." Kylie said and gave him a kiss.

We decided on pizza and order some for dinner. After pigging out and attempting to feed Ashton and succeeding in feeding Ruby we watched 'Women In Black' but of course pausing every 20 minutes to check on the twins. Kylie and Roman left about 10 and Phil and I went to bed.

After many trips to calm them down Kylie came over. I showered real quick put on some makeup and a cute out fit before leaving with her.

We drove to the mall and went into Rue21 I got a couple crop tops to try on and Kylie got some jeans. After a mini fashion show we purchased what we wanted and went on to bath and body works. We got some new perfume and some lotion. Then we went to go get our nails done at the nail salon, and after that we left.

Kylie's POV

When we got back to the house I walked in first because Carter was still getting bags and it was in complete chaos. Roman was holding both the kids looking quite overwhelmed while Phil was cleaning the kitchen from a mystery liquid I still hadn't quit figure out. "What the HECK is going on here?!" I said. They both looked over at me with shocked faces and started stuttering. " see...uh....." Phil started. "It was Phil's fault! He decided to make his own baby food so he put random fruit into the blender and forgot to put the top on" Roman said. "..whoops?" Phil said and some fell off the ceiling and onto his face. I heard Carter walking in. "What the..." She paused probably finding a noncus word to use. "Fudge is going on?!" She finished I took Ruby from Roman. "Way to throw him under the bus." I said chuckling. " ah...I like your nails." He said and gave me a cheeky smile. I chuckled. "Thanks!"

Carter's POV

I walked in and Roman had both of my kids, Kylie looks extremely confused, and Phil had some weird stuff on his face. "So was your day." Phil said trying to change the subject. "What is that?" I asked. "Um some pineapple, grapes, and maybe a little Pepsi..." He said "wh-why?" I asked. "Ashton didn't like the mashed up carrots and Ruby didn't like the green beans so I thought why not make some." He said I squinted at him. "Honey, I love you...but I'm squinting at you that's how stupid you're being." I said and took my bags up. "But...I-I...uh...Pepsi."

Phil's POV

There was some of my creation, on my cheek I brushed it off with a finger and tried it. It was gross so I spit it out. Kylie looked at me. "I'm squinting at you too." She said and walked upstairs carrying Ruby. "Dude, just clean this up. I'm starting to squint at you too." He said and carried Ashton up.

(I'm really really really sorry if this offends anyone, I do NOT mean it to be offensive)

"Fucking house full of Asians." I said. Roman turned around "Dude that's racist." He said and went upstairs. I cleaned up all the counters and used a broom for the ceiling which really didn't work but close enough.

I walked upstairs and Carter had just walked into the kids room. I walked in as Roman and Kylie walked out. They left to go back to their hotel and I walked in. I put my arms around Carter's waist. "Are you mad?" I asked. She turned in my arms to face me she was smiling. "No Phil I'm not're just really stupid." She said and giggled. "You have to admit it was a good idea." I said.

Ruby started crying and Carter picked her up. "No Phil, no it was not." She chuckled and rocked Ruby. "Hey how about we take them to the arena tomorrow for Raw?" I suggested she looked kinda hesitant. "I don't know..." She said. "Cause Hunter called and wants us to introduce them to the WWE universe, but I told him it was up to you." I told her. "Okay well take them but we shouldn't keep them tell 10." She said. I nodded.


Carter's POV

We were walking around backstage and people were holding the kids. Ruby didn't like 3MB or Damian Sandow and Ashton didn't like Stephanie and I mean like completely screamed in her arms.

It was time to go out and introduce them to the WWE universe. "Lady's and gentlemen please give a warm welcome back to Carter and Phil, accompanied by Ruby and Ashton!" The announcer said and Phil's music went off the crowd went wild. Ashton was in Phil's arms and Ruby was in mine. We got to the ring and I got a mic.

Everyone got quite. "Everyone I would like you to meet Ruby Jane Brooks and Ashton Taylor Brooks." I said and they cheered. I smiled and Phil took the mic. "Hey to all the single lady's, my man here's singlllleeeee." Phil sang I chuckled and all the girls 'awed' Suddenly Brock's music hit.

I swear to god Paul. I thought as they came down to the ring. "Lady's and gentlemen my name is Paul Heyman and my client Brock Lesnar has a question for the both of you." He said as they climbed in. "Why has he not had a chance to hold little Ruby Jane or Ashton Taylor?" He asked. I took the mic. "Because Paul...I don't like you and I'm not giving you one of my children."

Phil took the mic "yeah and if you don't get out of this ring and away from my family I'll beat your ass into the mat." He said. I tapped his shoulder. "Phil don't cuss in front if the kids." He nodded. "Sorry beat your butt into the mat." Brock stepped closer. Phil handed Ashton to me. Phil sized up Brock and The Shields music hit and they came in the ring to back up Phil. I got out of the ring and Kylie took Ruby and we waited for something to happen.

Brock slowly got out of the ring with Paul and they went backstage. The crowed cheered and we went backstage too. Phil and I went back to our house, put the kids down and went to bed. I swear if Brock pulls anything like that won't end well. I thought before I fell asleep.


So I felt bad about not updating for so long so here's another one. Enjoy again sorry if the earlier line offended you. I didn't mean it in an offensive way.

Comment! Please I always love to read your feedback good or bad!


Read my other stories!!!

Love ya- Carter

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