Chapter 23

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"So I get to pick the new GM?" everyone cheered. I smirked "I pick......." I paused waiting for him to come out but he didn't. Then I remembered I forgot to tell him. "Okay hold on!" I ran backstage and grabbed his hand and drug him out.

"I pick...EDGE!" The crowd went wild. In the middle of the match I realized he was perfect. Unbiased, friendly, and would make good matches.

He looked at me "Really me?" I nodded and gave him the mic before walking backstage. I saw Kylie.

"Hey man I thought you would make me the GM?" she said I smiled. "And lose my tag team partner? No way! You are way to good at wrestling to sit behind a desk!" She smiled. "I can live with that." We walked to the divas locker room and talked for awhile before Ele walked in.

"YOUUU!!!" I looked behind me and pointed to myself. "Me?" I asked I noticed the cameras. "Yes you! I had the best job in the world for 3 weeks before you ruined it!" she screamed getting in my face! I stood up. She was 5'3 and I was about 5'7 she looked up at me. I smiled. "Maybe if you weren't such a bitch, made good matches, and didn't have me for an enemy you would have made it." I said the others girls laughed except Eve and Tamina. They stood behind her. Eve spoke. "Don't talk to my sister like that!" she said. I was shocked. "OMG EVERYTHING MAKES SINCE NOW! I got it you can't help being a bitch because you are related to the biggest bitch/slut in the WWE!" Eves jaw dropped. "What about you?" Taminia said. "Me? Well I'm just awesome! I have an excuse and it's called confidence. I don't let twig bitches like you put me down because I'm above you. Everything you say just goes right behind me! Your opinion means nothing to me!"

Eve scoffed. "Whatever!" She said and walked away. I made these faces as she walked past and gave her the finger. She turned around and I played it off. I smiled "You will regret making an enemy of us!" she said and walked away. "DOUBT IT!" I yelled and went to find Seth. Phil went to Chicago to see his Mom and Dad. So Seth, Athena, Dean, Brooklyn, and Dolph. I saw Seth walk into his locker room. I knocked and he answered the door.

"Hey!" I said he smiled. "Hey, Athena should be here soon and Dean and Brooklyn are meeting us there I thought Dolph was gonna be with you?" he asked." I nodded. "he had to change first." I sat on the couch and there was a knock at the door. Dolph walked in and sat be me.

"Hey boo!" I said he smiled. "Hey." Athena walked in and sat on Seth's lap they were adorable together it made me really miss Phil. After a little while of talking we went to the movies.

I saw Brooklyn and gave her a hug. "Hey!" she said I laughed "hey!" we went into the theater. "Lets watch Devils Due!" Dean said. "I don't know what that is but noo!" "let's watch Ride along!" Athena said. We all nodded and the guys paid I was gonna pay but Dolph insisted.

The movie was really funny we stood up and went back to the hotel. It was 11:30. "hey I'm going to bed." I said "I'll walk you to your door." Dolph said and got in the elevator with me.

We got to my door and he kissed me. I was shocked. "Dolph I can't, this is wrong." I said "he kissed me again. "then why does it feel so right?" and we walked inside. This is so wrong!


I woke up with Dolph's arm around me. I sighed what we did last night was wrong my phone buzzed. Phil texted me.

P-Hey baby, I know your probably asleep, but I miss you so much about to get on the plane. Can't wait to see you.

I had the best boyfriend ever and I just throw it way. I hate myself. I stood up and got dressed. "What's wrong baby?" Dolph asked. "I'm not your baby! I'm Phil's what we did last night was wrong. I love Phil." I said and finished getting dressed. He got up.

"Just come back to bed." he said grabbing my hand. "no Dolph I can't... you need to leave. Please." he put his head down got dressed and left. I collapsed onto the floor. I was the worst girlfriend ever. I don't deserve him. I need to tell him. But what if he gets mad? It's my fault I did it I need to tell him. I kept crying. I heard a knock at the door but ignored it. I heard the door open and close. I felt an arm go around he I looked up it was Phil.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked concerned. I can do this I cried more. He rubbed soothing circles on my back. "shhh it's okay I'm here." he held me closer. I don't deserve him. "P-Phil?" I stuttered. "Yeah?" I sighed "I don't deserve you." I said and cried more. "Don't say that if anything I don't deserve you!" he said. "No, I did...something really bad and I need to tell you but I'm scared that you will leave me." I said "I would never leave you!" he said. "I-I-I slept with Dolph." I cried more and stood up and walked away. "And now you hate me and I don't blame you." I said and cried more. I felt arms go around me. "I don't hate you, I could never hate you." he said. "Why I would I cheated on you and...and...and" he cut me off by putting his lips to mine. "and you told me. You could have kept it a secret but you felt bad enough to tell me. And that's why I love you." he said. "I love you too."


One more chapter then I'm ending it. Please comment and vote I'm thinking about making a sequal.

Love ya-Carter

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