Chapter 6

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I woke up with my head on Punks chest. He was still asleep so I traced his tattoos with my fingers. He had so many cool tattoos I must have woken him up because he said. "Having fun there?" I smiled and kissed him. "Yeah are you?" He nodded and kissed me again. I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower. When I was done I put on my red skinny jeans and white crop top that says "WARNING: BADASS" on it I dried, straightened and curled my hair punk walked in with just his boxers on and turn on the shower.

"Can I help you sir?" I asked. "Yes you can." He grabbed my wrist and started to pull me into the shower. "NOOOOOOO I just got dressed punk noo." I said trying to pull back. He stopped and pulled me into his chest. "Well I guess we e gonna have to fix that." He said starting to take my shirt off. "No Mr. You are gonna have to wait. Now go get ready we have a sighing to go to." I said walking over to the sink. "Yes mam." He said hugging me from behind. "Your mine later." He whispered into my ear I smiled and he got in the shower. "Yeah we'll see just how lucky you are Mr." I said leaving the bathroom. I heard him mumble. "Good think I'm real lucky." I smile and called room service. "I ordered punk some waffles cuz I know he loves them. And ordered my self an omelet. They brought it up as punk walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. I walked over to him pushed him back into the bathroom played the lady and went to get him.

"Well aren't I lucky. My lady got me waffles." He said putting on his pants. "Yeah well your lady also saved you from scarring a worker." I smiled and ate my waffle. Punk came over "Thank you." He said as he shoved waffle into his mouth I smiled and cleaned my plate and finished my make up.


I sat by Seth since he was my screen boyfriend. Which meant sitting by Dean also. It was Seth then me then Dean then Roman. Which I wasn't happy about but I didn't want to make a scene. I saw my cousin in my line he was a huge fan of the shield. "Hey cus." I said when he came up. "Hey can I get y'alls autographs please?" He said. His name is Josh he's 17, he's from Tennessee and has a thick acent and as shy as they come. "Sure!" Seth said he signed the pic of all three of them and passed it to Dean and Roman. "So how do you know him?" Seth asked signing another pic. "He's my cousin. He loves WWE but he's really shy." You should invite him back stage to meet everyone." Dean said. "I would but I don't know how Vince would react and he hates getting yelled at." I said. "You should go for it." Roman said. "All right y'all convinced me."


I was walking around with Josh and he met everyone and got there autograph and pic. We met damian Sandown and just kept walking. "Excuse me who is this?" Damian asked. "This is.." Josh cut me off. "I'm her cousin and I don't wanna talk to you so go away." He said and kept walking. That's the most I have ever heard him say. "Well then." Damian said walking away. "Hey Josh I'm proud of you no one has ever said that to him and you have never been that like out spoken." I said. "I don't know what came over me I was just mad and it all came out" I laughed


I had a match so I left Josh with Randy Orton who has become one of my best friends even thought his on screen character was a jerk.

I went to my match against eve. Her music not and she said. "I know what you all are thinking where's Carter but sorry to say she's not here." She said and the crowed boos "I know I mean it's because she's a spineless, mean, cold hearted bit..." I cut her off with my music. "I'm sorry eve what we're you saying I'm a what?" I said she stood there speechless. "That's what i thought let's just get this match over so you can get out of my ring. I climbed into the ing and did a back flip like usual.

We locked up and I flipped her I bounced off the ropes and clotheslined her. Went to the top rope and jumped off did 2 flips and landed perfectly on her covered her and 1...2...3 I won. The ref raised my hand and I pushed eve out of the ring. Then the shields music hit down came Seth,Dean, and Roman. "Hey Carter I just...I can't see you anymore it's tearing the shield apart and I'm sorry." Seth said while he got in the ring and Dean and Roman waited outside the ring. "Its okay I understand." I said unfazed. Dean climbed into the ring. "I told you man she doesn't care about you she loves me." Dean said walking over to me. "Is it true?" Seth asked. "NO THAT'S A GOD DAMN LIE! Dean I wouldn't date you if it was the only could save the world. I would rather kiss a zombie and have the zombie eat me then date you for a day." I said Seth was happy. "But to be honest Seth I was gonna break up with you tonight." I said looking at the ground Seth was surprised at first but then calmed down. "I understand." He said.

" We still have a problem." Dean said. "What?" I asked "why wouldn't you date me?" He asked because your a cheating, self-centered jackass." I said. "O and pipe bomb." And left the ring.

I went to Randy locker room and saw Josh and Randy playing COD together. "Aww how cute." I said then Randy raised his hands in the air and screamed "oooooooooooooooo" I guess he won. "O this is not over Randy sit back down I demand a rematch." Josh said. I laughed "I guess we'll stay tell the end of the show. Have fun guys Josh I'll met you at my car at 10:30 k?" I said and he nodded as they started a new game. I rolled my eyes and went to find punk.

I went to his locker room he had the lights off and was laying on the couch. I went and cuddled next to him. "O hey baby." He said "I saw your .watch and segment nice job." "Thanks" I said. "What about your cousin?" He asked "he hanging with Randy." I said and we took a nap.


I woke up Josh had gone home and we had a flight to Egypt today. Punk and I got changed and packed and hopped in the car to go to the airport. I had a window seat Randy w as s next to me then Christian. "Hey Christian what's up." I asked as the plane took off "not much. Did you hear bout the new diva?" He asked I shock my head "her names Torie but her ring names Kylie" he said "she's cute." my jaw dropped. "Eww get it" "shhhhh" he said. "She's on the plan." I laughed "talk to her." "What if she hates me?" He said "well you won't know if you don't talk to her just ask her if she wants help being showed around." I said. "Okay." He said then I set my head back and slept.


Sorry it took so long guys I have been so busy and I need to update my other story which took forever but it's okay I am ending that one and putting this one first. XD. Love you guys!

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