Chapter 36

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Phil and I walked hand in hand down the hallway. I had a match tonight against Summer. We were on our way to tell Vince I was pregnant. I knocked on his door. "Come in!" Phil and I walked in and sat down.

"What can I do for you guys?" He asked looking up from his papers. "Um sir....we need to tell you something..." I said. He looked confused. "What is it?" He asked I couldn't say anything what if he fired me. "Umm she's pregnant." Phil said for me. Vince didn't talk at first but then smiled. "Congratulations. You know what this means Carter?" He paused here it comes he's going to fire me I'm never going to get to wrestle again..."you're going to have to tell the WWE universe. And take sometime off." He said. He didn't fire me? "Thank you for understanding sir." Phil said and we left.

Phil left me at my locker room and went to his. I changed into my ring gear and walked to gorilla. My music hit I walked out to the ring and slapped some hands. Summers music hit and she came down. The match started. I kicked Summer in the stomach and DDT'd her when she started to get up I jumped and spun in the air and kicked her in the face she fell down and I covered her. 1...2...3 "Your via pin fall....CARRRTTTEERRR!!!" I climbed out of the ring and walked backstage. Kylie was there she gave me a hug. "Great job!!!" I smiled "Thanks!" We walked to the locker room and I changed. "Hey why don't you and I have a movie night?" She said. "Sure sounds like fun. I'll get rid of Phil." I said she smiled and nodded before running out if the locker room. I shrugged. I heard a knock. "It's open!"

Phil walked in. "Hey baby, great match tonight." He said wrapping his arms around my waist I wrapped mine around his neck. "Thanks! But um babe?" I said. "Yeah?" He asked confused. "Can you um...hang out with the guys tonight?" I asked. "Why?" He asked and chuckled. "Because Kylie and I are going to have a girls night." I said. "Okay but where am I going to sleep? More importantly how? I can't sleep without you next to me." He said and kissed me. "Aww is Mr. Punky going to miss me?" I asked smiled. "Well of course." I smiled. "You can just come in later and go to bed." I said he nodded and Kylie bursted in. "Oh sorry am I interrupting your kiss?" She asked. Before I could say no. Phil said. "Yes!" And kissed me. I smiled into the kiss when I heard Kylie scream, "Eww guys that's nasty like at least let me get out of the room first!" And the door close. "She...left..." I said between kisses. "I...know..." He said between kisses. I smiled and pulled away.

"I'm going to go get Kylie and we are going to go to the hotel." I said he nodded and kissed me. "See you later baby." He left and I followed Kylie was waiting outside. She smiled and we walked to her rental car. We got in and drove off. We stopped by the video store and got Transformers 2 and Monster in law. We went to the hotel and played Transformers 2 first. Half way through I made us some popcorn. At the end of the movie when Optimus Prime came back I heard Kylie say, "and he die's again." I smiled and we finished the movie.

I put in Monster in law which wasn't as good as Transformers. We talked about work and how she was going to be on her own now but that I would go to the ring with her. We talked about everyone's reaction to my news then I asked, "so how's you and Roman?" She smiled. "Good, we are going on a date tomorrow and when we go back to his hometown he wants me to meet his parents." She said. "That's great!!" I said she smiled. "I know right"

I smiled and we saw the end of the movie. I was really tired and Kylie was too. She got up and I walked her to the door. She went to her room and I went and laid down. I felt Phil put his arm around me. "Good night my princess. I can't wait to see your beautiful face tomorrow morning." He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled and fell asleep.


I know it's short but here is something.

Please read my other story's!



Love ya-Carter

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