Chapter 20

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I strutted down the ramp .Brock gave me a glare which I returned. He was a douche in real life not just on the show and so was Paul. I climbed into the ring and Paul put his arm in front of Brock as if to stop him from charging at me. Curtis looked at me and Paul began to speck.

"Little girl go back stage and let the big boys talk." he said I raised an . "When are they getting here?" I asked looking around.

"You think you're so funny." He said instantly I replied. "yeah I do. I don't know if you have realized this but I'm kinda full of myself. So are you think your the best at everything. But that's a load of crap. we all know wh....." Brock cut me off. "Shut up! Don't talk to him like that!!" He screamed into the mic and went to punch me I closed me eyes and waited for the impact that didn't come. I opened my eyes and saw Curtis yelling at Brock and Paul. "We don't hit girls!" I heard him say and I started to back away.

I was almost out of the ring I turned around to get out of the ropes but I was stopped and put on big shoulders. Shit was all I could think before Brock Lesner F-5 me.

I woke up in the trainers room. I saw Phil, Dolph, Zach, Nikki, Brie, John, Daniel, Aj, Kylie, Christian, Dean, Brooklyn, Athena, Seth, Chris and on the table next to me Curtis who was unconscious. I sat up.

"What the hell happened to me?" I asked and everyone looked up at me. Chris spook up. "um...Brock F-5 you." he explained. "o, I thought I was hit by a truck." They all chuckled. "What happened to him?" I asked pointing to Curtis. "After Brock F-5 you he attacked Brock and Brock F-5 him through the announce table." Seth explained. "OMG! Is he okay?" I asked. "Doc said he had a fractured spine and that he was lucky." I stood up getting help by Phil. I started to leave.

"Where are you going?" John asked. "To make a statement." I said and walked to gorilla. They played my music and I walked out with a mic.

"Obviously you all saw me get F-5 by Brock." they all booed. "I can tell you this it hurt like an S.O.B but I'm not gonna let him keep me down. He can F-5 me or Spear me or whatever else it is he can do but I will always stand and kick ass! Because that's what I do! That's what I love to do so that's what I'm going to do. I'm not scared of Brock or Kane or the shield or the new age outlaws or anyone!" They all cheered. "We all saw last week on raw Kane chock slammed my Boyfriend CM Punk." They all booed. "I know,i know I'm pissed too. The point is I'm not scared of Kane if he wants to come down here and chock slam me I say come on down, because when you go back stage I'm going to get up and run, well briskly run backstage find him and kick his ass! If the New Age Outlaws wanna come down here and do whatever it is they do I say bring it. I'll just stand up go back stage and kick there ass. Then there's the Shield." they all booed. "Everyone seems to be scared of the shield. They all tell me, 'what ever you do don't.... don't mess with the Shield.' but the only problem with that is I'm not scared of the Shield they can march there butts down those stairs like idiots, I mean we have a ramp for a reason, and they can climb in the ring and they can beat the crap out of me and then Roman can spear me and they can power boom me but I will stand up, it's gonna take me a minute but I will, and Im going to kick. there. ass's!" I said they all cheered and the shields music hit I could tell they didn't want to do this since I was friends with all of them but I brought this on myself and I'm ready for it. I stand there ready for a fight and they get in the ring.

"I suggest you leave this ring before you get hurt!" Dean said pacing back and forth. I smirked when I heard.


Phil ran down the ramp and joined me. Then I heard.


And Zach ran down the ramp followed by...


And Dolph ran out they all stood behind me. The Shield slowly left the ring and I grabbed the mic.

"I am Carter and I will always stand for what I believe in! Believe in that!" I said starring at the Shield and we left the ring. I went to my changing room and got changed and went to meet everyone at catering. Wgen I got there some chick was in my seat.

I tapped her shoulder. "Excuse me that's my seat." I said politely. "I don't see your name on it." she said looking at me. "that's because it's allergic to Bitches" I said with a smile. She chuckled. "There's plenty of other seat." she said motioning to another table. "I'm going to explain something to you, see all these people. Yeah this is my posse, my friends and my boyfriend" I said pointing to Phil. She laughed "Well I'm talking to Randy right now soo...." she said turning to Zach. "yeah that's not Randy, that's Randy" I said pointing to Randy who was across the room.

"Yeah right." she said sarcastically. I called him over "hey Randy!" He walked over. "what's up?" He asked. "please state your full name for this bitch." I said. "umm...Randall Keith Orton." he asked confused by what was happening. "thank you. You may go" I said turning back to the girl. "See I run this place you don't so get your little skinny ass out if my seat!" I said and she stood and looked at me. "You won't be for long I'm here for a Jon interview to be the GM of RAW." she said and walked off. I glared at her. I could not let her get that job.


Please tell me what you think. Vote, Comment, add this to your library and if you have any ideals that would be great because I don't know what to do know. :/

Love ya-Carter

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