Chapter 37

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Soo it's been about 7 mouths now....I look like a fucking whale...

Phil probably thinks I'm fat...

I was laying on the couch in Phil's apartment. He took some time off to be with me but had to go back. It was Monday which meant raw. I turned it on. There was a couple boring matches people rambling on but no Phil. I was sad. It has been 3 weeks since I last saw him and I miss him. I heard a knock on the door. I got up and walked or hobbled to the door. I opened it and Phil gave me a big hug. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" I asked when he pulled way. "Because I wanted to surprise you!" He said and gave me a kiss. I smiled and he grabbed my hand and walked over to the couch with me. He laid behind me. I ended up falling asleep while we watched season 2 of The Walking Dead.

Phil's POV

I decided to to back to Chicago to see Carter. I haven't seen her in 3 weeks. I knocked on the door and she answered. She had a pregnancy belly but I thought it was cute. I hadn't told her yet but I got a doctors appointment so we could tell if it was a boy or girl. She fell asleep on the couch with me and I kissed her forehead. I got off the couch by climbing over the back of it.

I got my phone and called the doc. "Doctor Duggless office how may I help you?" The receptionist asked. "Hello this is Mr. Brooks I just wanted to check our appointment time." I said. "Um I have you down for 4:00 today." She said "thank you." I looked at the clock 3:00. I decided to wake up Carter so she could get ready.

"Hey baby I have a surprise for you. Wake up and get ready." I said she slowly got up. "What's the surprise?" She asked. "It's a surprise." I said and smirked.

She came down stairs with one of those new dress things she got cause she said it hid her stomach. I opened the car door for her and she got in.

I drove to the doctors office and she looked at me when she realized we were going to the Doctors. "How is this a surprise?" She asked I laughed. "You didn't know about it." I said. "Yeah I did. They called to remind us like 2 days ago" she said and chuckled. "Oh"

We arrived at the office and I helped her out. We walked in hand in hand. "Hello the doctor will be right with you." The receptionist said and we took a seat. After waiting for about 10 minutes we saw the doctor coming out. "Mr. and Mrs. Brooks." He said and we stood up and followed her back.

She put the jelly stuff on Carter's stomach and started to scan it. After awhile she took the picture and pointed to the screen. "You see that?" She asked I nodded. "That's it's head. Do you see that?" She asked pointing to something else. I nodded again. "That's the second ones head, you're having twins."

Kylie's POV

Roman and I are going on a date tonight. I was excited! It's our 1 year anniversary. He said it was a surprise. I hope he remembered.

I was wearing a light purple dress that had a gem belt in the middle and had two straps. I had finished my make up and hair when there was a knock on the door. He's early!

I opened it and saw Carter. "We're having twins!" She said I gave her a hug. "Congratulations!" She pulled away and looked at me. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Um on a date with Roman it's our..." She cut me off. "One year anniversary! You don't have to tell me what kinda friend would I be if I didn't know that?" She said and laughed. I laughed with her.

"And that's why you're my best friend!" I said and hugged her again. "Now tell me, do I look okay?" I asked. "Yeah, you look amazing!" I smiled and there was another knock on the door. "O my god that's Roman!" I whisper yelled. "What? Wait I have to hide." She said. "Ummmm in the closet!" I said and there was another knock at the door. "Just a second!" I said. "Get in the closet." I said again. "I fucking pregnant I'm not gunna crotch in a closet." She said.

"Everything okay in there?" Roman asked through the door. "Everything's fine just give me one minute." I replied. "Umm the bathroom!" I said an her and I ran to the bathroom. Well she waddled. She stepped in the shower. "Okay wait 3 minutes then you can go." I said and left. I opened the door and Roman looked up. "Hi." I said. "Hi." He said with a chuckle. "Ready to go?" He asked I nodded and we left.

He opened the car door for me and helped me in. We drove for awhile then stopped at a tree line. I looked at him confused. He chuckled "come on." And helped me out. We walked through the trees and he had a picnic laid out and there were lights strung over the top. I smiled at him.

We laid down and he pulled out a subway melt and his meatball marinara. "Hell yeah, now it's a party!" I said and he laughed. "Yeah, sorry I didn't know what to pack for a picnic..." He said. "It's okay I love subway." I said and smiled. After we finished our dinner and took my hand and helped me up. "Where are we going?" I ask.

"You will see." He said and lead me through the tree line. It opened up and there was a blanket on the ground. We laid down and looked up and the stars.

"You look beautiful." He said I looked over at him and he was looking at me. I blushed "thanks." He stood up and took my hand I stood up to. "You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are nice and caring. You always listen when people have problems and you put them first. You are creative and funny and I love you." He got down on one knee. I gasped. "Will you Torie Renae Liebsch, or Kylie now I guess, please do me the honor of marrying me?" He asked. I was speechless.

Romans POV

I set up this whole date with help from the Bella twins. Thank god for them. And now was the time. "You look beautiful." I said "thanks." She said she was so beautiful. I stood up and took her hand helping her stand up. "You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are nice and caring. You always listen when people have problems and you put them first. You are creative and funny and I love you." I said got down on one knee. I heard her gasp. "Will you Torie Renae Liebsch or ,Kylie I guess now, please do me the honor of marrying me?" I asked. Nothing. Why wasn't she saying anything? "Um Kylie?" I said hoping to get an answer.

"I don't know what to say Roman." She said and dropped down to my level. "Besides, yes!" she said and gave me a kiss. I smiled into the kiss. "I love you" she said when she pulled away. I smiled too. "I love you too." We laid back down and looked at the stars more while holding hands.


Here you go guys!!!

Twins she having twins!!!

Please comment!!


And read my other stories!

I'm sorry it took so long my Wifi is down so it might be awhile but as soon as it's fixed I'll update! I promise!!

Love ya- Carter

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