This Is Only the Beginning

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I had just packed the last of my things and thrown my ipod into my carry-on when my mom yelled for me. "Reina! Let's go mija or you're going to be late!" I grabbed my things and bounded down the steps excitedly. I was leaving for California for a whole week. I climbed into the passenger seat of my mom's '97 Toyota Corolla. She smiled sadly at me. I knew she wanted to gush and fawn over me but she resisted. I was 18 now and she had to start treating me like an adult.

We rode in silence. We passed by the shop where my mother sells her own clothing designs and the Taco Hut where I used to work after school. I was going to miss South Beach but I would only be gone for a week and I was pretty sure it would still be there when I got back.

At the airport, I hugged my mother goodby. She still smelled like the rellenos she made the night before for my farewell dinner. I was worried about her. She was a single parent and we were all each other had. But I kept reminding it myself it was only one week. She could live without me for one week right?

As I sat in my seat waiting for take off, I thought back to a month ago, to the phone call that started me on this little trip...


The phone rang. "Hello," I answered.

"Hello, may I please speak to Reina Vasquez," said the pleasant voice on the other end.


"Hi, Reina, my name is Jillian and I'm calling from MTV Studios."

"Yes," I said my excitement mounting.

"Congratulations! You've won our sweepstakes to go to L.A. and hang out with Fall Out Boy for one week!"

"Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh," I screamed, then I realized I sounded like an eleven-year old and calmed down.

"Now Reina you should be receiving a packet in the mail very soon with your plane ticket and everything you need to know. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the number included in the packet."

"Ok, thank you," I replied still trying to contain myself.

(End Flashback)

This past month has been the longest one of my life. But finally it was here. Myself and four other kids were going to get the chance of a lifetime, to spend an entire week with our favorite band, Fall Out Boy.

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