The Eyes Have It

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After lunch we gathered in front of the restaurant. "So I know you guys are probably jet-lagged. Do you want to go back to your hotel and chill? Or I guess you guys could come to DKNY with me. We're working on some stuff for a Clandestine line. So which one," asked Pete.

"DKNY." It was unanimous.

We boarded the bus. This time we had to share benches to fit the band and the MTV crew. Alex sat next to me. I noticed that for the most part he had been quiet up until now. "So, Alex, that's an interesting piercing you have there, " I said as a lame attempt to start a conversation.

He smiled, "Yeah my mom hates it. I thought she was going to kick me out when I came home with it."

"I can't even imagine what my mom would do if I got a piercing or a tattoo," I sympathized, "She flips out if I color my hair."

He laughed. "So you're Hispanic, huh? I knew that."

"Oh you did. What gave me away?"

"Your eyes," he said simply.

"Oh," I said embarrassed. I had always been self-conscious of my bright green eyes. "People usually think they're contacts."

"They're pretty," he said looking straight ahead.

"Thanks." I was glad when we pulled up in front of the DKNY store on Rodeo Drive not long after.  

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