Shower Scene

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The next morning I woke up feeling less than perfect. I felt groggy still from the alcohol and it took me a minute to remember where I was. I got up and walked toward the bathroom hoping a quick shower would work as a pick me up. I walked in and over to the shower and paid no attention to the fact that the water was already running until I came upon a naked body seen perfectly through the clear glass of the shower. Fortunately Pete was facing the other direction. I hesitated in leaving and my breath caught in my throat as I allowed myself to take him in. The water droplets falling on his lean, tanned body; the tattoos...

"Hey," said a voice that interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up again to see that Pete had turned around and was now facing me...full frontal. "Oh," I cried putting my hands to my eyes instantly. "I...I...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm leaving," I stuttered. Now fully awake, I walked back out to the bedroom, closing the door behind me. I sat on the bed and tried to gather my thoughts.

I wasn't given much time because not too long after Pete came out into the bedroom. He wasn't doing me many favors by still only wearing a towel around his waist showing off his toned stomach and well-known bartskull tattoo. He walked over to his suitcase and began rooting through it looking for his clothes while holding the now long-slung towel precariously with one hand "Pete I'm so sorry. I woke up and I wasn't sure where I was and I wasn't paying attention..."

"Reina," Pete interrupted. He had turned toward me. I now got distracted by his well defined hip bones. "You worry too much," he continued, "It's fine. It's nothing I'm sure you haven't already seen." I blushed because it was true. "Ok I'm going to get dressed. I'll be in the bathroom, so don't walk in this time ok?" He winked teasingly and went back into the bathroom. I sat still stunned, embarrassed, and confused about why my mind was replaying what I'd seen of him in the shower repeatedly until he came out. "It's all yours."

I grabbed the clothes I planned on putting on and ran into the bathroom turning the shower knob to cold.  

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