Bittersweet World

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"Hey Reina you almost ready," asked Pete through the intercom.

"Yes I'm coming."

It was three weeks later and it was Saturday night. The gang was getting ready to go out. We were going to this place, Club 911, which tonight would be hosting the release party for Ashlee's new cd "Bittersweet World". I was wearing a black mini dress but sported an electric blue ballet flat on the foot that didn't have the cast. Pete talked me out of wearing a heel on that foot warning that it was a good idea only if I wanted to break my other leg. I was a bit self-conscious about going to this big party with a cast and a flat shoe but I finally made myself stop looking in the full-length mirror and head downstairs.

"Hey is Alex coming," asked Ashlee as they wait in the foyer for me to hop down the steps.

"He's supposed to but he isn't answering his phone so he'll probably just meet us there later."

When we arrived at the club things were much crazier than any other time we had gone out. There was usually paparazzi around when we would go to clubs but this was beyond.

I hadn't known ahead of time that there was going to be a red carpet. There were reporters from major entertainment television shows, magazines, and websites along with plenty of photographers. I started to get nervous.

"Do you want to walk the red carpet with us Rey," asked Pete.

"No, I'm a little nervous with all of these people around and my cast..."

"I thought so. I'll have one of the security guys walk you through into the club and they'll show you to our table okay?"

It still took me and my security guard Eddie to get through the crowd since I was moving so slow but he was nice and told me stories of all the times he'd gotten seriously hurt. Once I was inside I realized just how many people were there. Unfortunately, none of them knew me and I was sitting at a large table in the back of the room all alone.

"Hey your Pete's friend right? The one who's been staying with him," asked a shaggy brown-haired, hazel-eyed boy.

"Yes, hi I'm Reina Vasquez," I said extending my hand.

He took it and shook my hand with his long fingers. "Ryan Ross."

I smiled. "I know who you are Ryan."

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" He took a seat opposite me in the booth.

"They're all walking the red carpet so I just kind of snuck through." He nodded. He was smiling at me weirdly. "What is it?"

"Nothing. It's just weird that you've been living with one of my best friends for a couple of months and I'm just now meeting you."

"Yeah Pete likes to keep me hidden," I laughed.

"I don't think so. He told me that he wanted you to meet all of his friends but you seemed like you weren't up for it quite yet."

"Really? I can't imagine. I mean Pete is really nice and we are getting comfortable with each other now but I didn't get the impression that he would tell his friends about me."

"Yeah don't let Wentz fool you. He doesn't always let people know what he's thinking or feeling but he definitely likes you."

"Hey I see you too have met," a voice interrupted.

"Speak of the devil," I said smirking.

"Oh so you two were talking about me," asked Pete.

"Always," said Ryan smirking as well.

"Well I'm flattered."

"Don't be it was nothing good," said Ryan jokingly.

"Will you excuse me I'm going to try and call Alex again," I said.

"Whose Alex?"

"Her boyfriend," Pete informed him as I walked away.

I went to the bathroom and leaned against the sink for balance as I called once again. The phone rang and then went to his voicemail again. "Alex it's Rey calling again. Listen please just call me or text me or something to let me know you're alright. This isn't like you and it's starting to worry me. I hope every thing's ok. I love you. Bye." I felt this dread in the pit of my stomach as I hung up. This was not like Alex. He had never stood me up nor would he.

"Is he coming," asked Angel when I had gotten back to the table.

"I still can't get in touch with him. I'm really starting to worry you guys."

"I'm sure he's fine and has a perfectly good explanation for why he's not here," said the always optimistic Lacey.

"Come on ladies let's go," said Angel suddenly.

"Where are you guys going?"

"We're going to do the rounds. This party is huge. Everyone is here. Well except for Lindsay Lohan," she joked.

"Ok well I'll be here." I suddenly found myself all alone in the large booth wishing desperately that Alex was here so I wouldn't feel like a loser alone.

After awhile Pete appeared out of no where and sat down at the booth across from me. "Where have you been," I asked.

"Saying hi to people. I got tired of it though. Ashlee still going around. She kind of has to it's her party y' know?"

I nodded. He laughed. "What's so funny?"

"You. You look so depressed. It's a party liven up!"

"I'm trying but I'm kind of stuck here all alone."

"Come then," he said getting out of his seat. "Let's have some fun. Dance with me."


"You and I always have fun when we dance together."

"Did you miss the part where my leg is in a cast?"

"Nope. Leave your crutches here I'll help you get to the dance floor and then we just dance. You don't have to move around a lot."


"Come on no 'buts'. Is your top half paralyzed?"

"No," I pouted.

"Then come on," he commanded as he began to help me out of the seat.

We made it to the dance floor easier than I thought and began to dance. I was basically stuck in one spot just moving my arms but as I let the music get to me I started to relax and get into it. Then I began to laugh as Pete did this goofy dance in a circle around me so I could "feel like I was moving". After a while I got tired of trying to keep my balance and we went back to the table. Everyone else was back already talking and having fun as the drinks flowed. Ashlee's sister Jessica and her boyfriend Tony had joined the table. For all the months that I had known Ashlee and worked for Jessica's company this was the first time I met her. "Reina, I'd like you to meet Jessica. Jess, this is Reina she's the one who's staying with us and she works for the brand as a design consultant."

Jessica held out her perfectly manicured hand. "Well it's very nice to meet you Reina I've heard a lot about you," she said her heavy Texas accent making her sound exactly like Daisy Duke, "Aww what happened to your leg?"

"Run-in with the paparazzi," I answered rolling my eyes.

"Well, gah, I do that everyday but they've never broken my leg. It's getting worse and worse. How much longer do you have to wear that cast for?"

"Only two more weeks."

"Well that's good."

The party wore on and finally it was time to leave. I'd had fun but sometimes enough was enough even for me. I was just about to fall asleep when my phone vibrated loudly on my nightstand. It was Alex. "Hey oh my god are you okay? Where have you been I've been calling all night."

"I'm shurry. I forgotaboutonight. I jus shaw you called." He was drunk. So drunk that he was slurring his words. I had never seen Alex drunk before.

"Ok well it seems you've been drinking tonight Alex. Be safe and get to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow because you won't even remember this conversation in the morning."


I was pissed. He had blown me off for a party and gotten drunk. Don't get me wrong I didn't expect to be Alex's whole world but the weekends were all we had to spend time together. And if he really wanted to go to the party I would have understood. I would have gone with him or even if he wanted to go alone I wouldn't have made a big deal about it. All I asked for was for him to have the courtesy to call. I went to bed that night furious and plotting how I was going to give him hell when I spoke to him the next day.  

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