The Other Winners

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Once we were settled the bus pulled off from in front of LAX and Sarah stood up. "Ok, so I was thinking you all might want to drop your things off at the hotel first and freshen up before we go to meet Fall Out Boy. Does that sound good?" We all nodded again. "Great! Now let's go around the bus and say our names, ages, and where we're from. I'll go first. My full name is Sarah Rogers and I'm from Dallas, Texas. Now your turn," she said pointing to me.

I opened my mouth to speak but someone interrupted me. "But Sarah," said a cute surfer looking guy with shaggy brown hair with blond highlights and green eyes, "you didn't say your age."

"I am...older than all of you," Sarah said with a smirk. She looked pretty young but she defintely had a mature and slightly motherly way about her. I would guess her to be somewhere between 30 and 35.

Then i realized everyone was waiting for me to introduce myself. "Um...I'm Reina Vasquez, 18, and I'm from Miami, Florida," I said hurriedly.

"Kristin Carr, 19, Chicago." The girl behind me was heavier-set with reddish brown wavy hair. She was also wearing an All Time Low t-shirt which made me smile.

"Kyle Wyatt, 19, Madison, Wisconsin," said Surfer Boy.

"I'm Alex Daughtry, 18, New York." The voice came from a pale boy in the back of the bus with dark black hair with a bang covering one eye. His bright blue eyes were rimmed with eyeliner and his tight jeans hugged his thin frame. He saw me looking at him and flashing a cute smile from behind his lip ring.

"Umm...let me see," began Blondie smacking her gum, "My name is Danielle Carmichael. I'm 18, and I'm from Hartford, Ct." I rolled my eyes at the annoying giggle she included at the end of her introduction.

"Ok, now that we've all introduced ourselves let me go over the outline for this week. You all are going to stay in the hotel together. Kyle and Alex you will room together and you three ladies will be sharing a suite."

"Awww, man, how come they get a suite," cried Kyle our resident class clown.

"Please save all of your questions until the end. Thank you," responded Sarah making us giggle. "When we leave there we're going to the location where the band is currently doing a photoshoot and then we're all going to lunch. I know you all are probably hungry after your flights."

"Yes," we all said in unison.

"One more thing, just a reminder that MTV is going to be filming this week. Don't be nervous. They'll only be filming your interactions with the band, so there's no hidden cameras in your hotel rooms or anything. This isn't the Real World." We laughed. "Just remember not to interact with the cameras or the crew. And...let me see if there's anything else," she said checking a very organized and color-coded binder.

"So, like, what are we going to be doing with the band," asked Danielle still chewing her gum like a cow.

"Well," began Sarah, "Besides the photoshoot and lunch you all will be attending a small show and to see the band prepare for their upcoming tour. I believe you all will be going to the studio with Patrick who's working on producing an album for..."

"Cobra Starship," Kristin exclaimed gleefully.

"Yes exactly. So basically you'll be shadowing them. A week in the life of Fall Out Boy, you'll see how Pete runs his record label and clothing line and I'm sure they have some special surprises for you along the way."

With that we pulled up in front of the hotel. We all piled out with our luggage. On the curb bellhops were waiting to load our things. They immediately went to help Danielle who was practically tripping all over herself. One of the guys reached out his hand to take my bag. He looked to be Hispanic like myself maybe Mexican, I looked at his name tag: Carlos. "That's ok Carlos," I said with a smile, "I can carry it." He nodded and gave me a knowing smile in return.

When we got to our suite we immediately began unpacking quickly. "I call the shower first," called Danielle.

"Of course you do," said Kristin sarcastically under her breath. I giggled and she smiled back at me. When Danielle had disappeared into the bathroom Kristin and I both let out sighs of relief. "God I hate her already," said Kristin reading my mind exactly.

"I know! I though I was the only one annoyed by her."

"No way, she was getting on my nerves chewing on that gum like she hasn't eaten in weeks. Although, from looking at her she probably hasn't," she said holding up a pair of Danielle's size 0 jeans. We giggled.  

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