Behind the Scenes

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Sarah had asked us to meet her in the lobby at 12. We got on the bus and headed to the practice space where FOB was preparing for their next major tour. The space was huge the lights, screens, risers, and other equipment had all been set up for test runs. "Hey guys," said Pete looking like a little kid in his black knit cap holding his ever-present Starbuck's cup.

"Hey Peter," we replied.

"So today we're preparing for the tour or whatever and we're gonna see how the lights and everything are gonna go. Um...we don't like to practice ever, so we usually don't even do it when we're preparing for a tour but we might do a song or two for you guys. But just so you know it's probably going to suck," he said laughing. We watched the practice and FOB did play a few songs. Afterward Pete came up to me. "So what did you think?"

"You guys sounded great, you definitely did not suck."

"You're lying 'cause we definitely did, but I meant like the lights, background, the stage-set up what do you think?"

"I like it," I said laughing nervously, "But why are you are asking me?"

"Uh, I don't really know. You seem to know a lot and I trust you to be honest. So...are you qualified to judge the stage lighting?"

"Absolutely not," I giggled, "but I can tell you in my un-professional opinion that it looks good to me." I looked past him at Ashlee sitting alone playing on her sidekick on the complete opposite side of the venue. "Is Ashlee going to come to lunch with us?"

"Um...she usually tries to stay out of the way when it comes to fans. Unfortunately, a lot of our fans don't like her much."

"Oh," I frowned, "Hold that thought." I ran over to where everyone was standing. "Hey guys, I as going to invite Ashlee to come to lunch. She looks so lonely. And it's not fair that she thinks she needs to stay away from us. You guys will be nice right?"

Everyone nodded except for Danielle. "I don't know I don't really like her; it may be a little difficult to be nice," she said snarkily.

I moved closer into her personal space. "How about if you don't I'll shove my foot so far up your butt it'll come out of your mouth," I said raising an eyebrow.

She gulped. "Ok I'll be nice."

I ran back over to Pete. "So is it ok if I invite Ashlee to lunch with us? Everyone promises to be nice."

He grinned. "Sure!"

I walked to where Ashlee was sitting and sat down beside her. "Hey."

"Hey," she said cautiously.

"So, um, we're going out to lunch with the boys and Pete said he didn't think that you were going to come. But I just wanted you to know that if you wanted to come we'd all be happy to have you."

"Oh," she said looking surprised, "ok, yeah, I guess I will come."

Lunch went well, I did have to glare threateningly at Dani once when she was being rude to Ashlee but for the most part it went well. Outside the restaurant before we parted ways Pete grabbed my arm and pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you for being nice to Ashlee, it really meant a lot," he said grinning.  

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