Every Little Girl Wants To Be Ryan Ross

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"I hope you don't think I was fooled by your little damsel-in-distress act yesterday," I whispered to Angel as we followed the boys through the casino on our way out to breakfast.

"I don't know what you are talking about there must have been a mix up with the hotel. I had nothing to do with it," she said unconvincingly, "So what happened last night." Her eyes twinkled with curiosity.

"Nothing! What did you think was going to happen, we were going to stare into each other's eyes, suddenly realize we're made for each other and then fall into bed making sweet passionate love all night long," I asked sarcastically.

"Maybe," she said sheepishly, "So you didn't?"

"No." There was no need to tell her about earlier it would only fuel the fire that I didn't want fanned. "I thought we agreed that you wouldn't get involved anyway."

"Yes well sometimes when you know that something is right you just have to go for it. No matter what promises may be broken along the way."

"I don't believe that. Your word and your honor are the only things you have in life," I said repeating one of my mother's many pearls of wisdom.

"Maybe but they don't mean a thing if you give up happiness to maintain them."

I contemplated Angel's words as we climbed into the limo where the rest of the boys were already waiting to take us to an all-you-can-eat-buffet. I have to admit I was looking forward to the buffet almost as much as the party later.

When we arrived Panic was already there and had saved us some seats. As soon as the waitress had taken our drink orders we headed to the buffet.

"So did everything work itself out last night with Joe and Angel," asked Ryan who was behind me in line.

"Yeah they stayed in my room and I hopped in bed with Pete." Ryan's eyes grew wide as I realized what I had just said. "No no no. I mean like we shared a bed and a room not like we slept together. Well we did sleep together but not in that way..." Ryan just laughed at me trying to cover my tracks. "Whatever you know what I mean."

He sat across from me when we got back to the table. I stared in amazement at the amount of food on his plate. "Wow."

"He's going to eat it all and go back for seconds too probably," added Brendon sitting down next to him.

"I'm so jealous of you," I laughed.

"Most girls are," he quipped before digging in to a stack of pancakes.  

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