Rising Tension

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The next day was Sunday. Pete's friends came over and decided to get in the pool. Fortunately I had brought a bathing suit with me to California even though I hadn't used it up until now. I was upstairs changing while I waited for Alex to get there. I slipped into my white halter swimsuit. The front dipped all the way down to my belly button and was held together by a single gold ring. As soon as I was situated and confident that nothing would pop out the suit, the bell rang. I walked downstairs and found Alex at the door in black track pants, a dirty white t-shirt and black sunglasses that looked like they could have been his sisters. "I couldn't just wear my swim shorts over here," he said as I eyed his outfit. He stepped inside and kissed me before closing the door back behind him. "Were you able to get back to sleep after you called me last night?"

"Not really. I tossed and turned until I gave up and turned on the tv. I'm so tired, but I'm glad you're here," I smiled.

He grabbed my hand and we walked out to the backyard and the large infinity pool. "Hey guess you finally decided to make an appearance," said Angel lounging in the pool in a bright pink string bikini and huge brown sunglasses. We said hello to everyone and climbed in. The water was fairly warm from the bright L.A. sun beating down. We lounged in silence for awhile letting the peace of the gently lapping water take over us all. That is until Angel and Joe randomly started making out.

"So Reina I talked to Russell this morning, he's the regional manager for my sister's brand. He said that he'd love to meet you and they have an opening he thinks you might be interested in."

"What are we talking about exactly," asked Angel breaking her kiss with Joe.

"Umm...I'm trying to get a job and Ashlee has a possibility for me," I informed the rest of the group.

"Oh, well why didn't you ask me I could have helped you out?" Angel's dad is a big wig at Fall Out Boy's record label.

"I know but I just kind of decided yesterday but let me know if you find anything I definitely want to keep my options open."

"Anyway," continued Ashlee sounding slightly annoyed, "He wants to set up an appointment for Tuesday morning."

"Ohh Rey we have to go shopping for a business suit," said Tessa excitedly, "you don't have one do you?"


"Actually Tessa I was planning on asking Reina if she wanted to go shopping with me."

"Who would wanna dress like you," said Angel in disgust.

"You guys we could all go together," suggested Lacey's meek voice.

Ashlee and Angel glared at each other in response; obviously that was out of the question.

"Well Angel I already went shopping and spent time with you, Tessa, and Lacey so maybe this time I'll go with Ashlee." I shrugged. I had tried to be diplomatic but Angel was pissed nonetheless.

"I'm actually kind of glad that you're going to get a job," spoke up Pete just barely slicing the tension, "I know I wasn't very gun-ho about it yesterday but I was thinking and we're going to be leaving to go on tour in three weeks for the rest of the summer. I really want to make sure you're all settled and taken care of before I leave."

"You don't have to worry about her, I'll take good care of her just like I have been," said Alex challengingly.

"Uh...guys...I am very capable of taking care of myself you know," I said interrupting their spat. They both got quiet.

"Who's hungry," asked Lacey trying to break the ice. We all pretty much agreed we were ready for lunch.  

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