Mean Girls

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The next day I decided it was time once and for all to find out what was going on between Ashlee and Angel but I knew that since neither of them would tell me I would have to find another way. I could easily threaten Lacey into telling me but I wanted it to come from someone who would be willing to tell. So I invited Tessa to go to lunch with me.

We sat quietly as she picked at the salad I treated her to clearly uncomfortable.

"So Tessa, how about I just get to the point. I want to know what's really going on between Angel and Ashlee. It's been brought up too many times to ignore and I'd like to know what I'm dealing with."

"They just butt heads. You know how girls can be," she said. But even she had to know that wasn't believable.

"The truth Tessa," I pressed.

She sighed. "Before Pete started dating Ashlee, Angel was the 'leader' of the group. She was bossy, her father has a lot of power and everyone listened to her. Then when Ashlee came she wasn't the 'boss' anymore. Their dislike for each other stems from some kind of power struggle I guess you could say. The rest of the boys for the most part follow Pete's lead, therefore whoever can manipulate Pete controls everything, the band, their lives, everything."

"And so what do I have to do with it?"

"Angel really doesn't want you to join Ashlee's side because it would mean she lost."


"Because the influence the two of you have combined would be more than Angel would have."

"What influence do I have? Tessa you're not making any sense."

She huffed annoyed that I wasn't getting it.

"You're important to Pete you just don't realize it yet. He took you in after knowing you for a week because he was drawn to you. If you think you don't have a heavy influence on him you're crazy. But that's not all."

"Ok well keep going."

"You can't say a word because I'm the only person who knows this."

"I promise."

"Angel admitted to me that she likes Pete, like as more than a friend. She said that when she first met the band that she tried to befriend Joe so she could get closer to them and they eventually started dating because Pete had a girlfriend at the time. When Pete and Jeanae broke up she didn't know how to end it with Joe without hurting him and by the time she was almost going to dump him, Pete was with Ashlee."

"And again this pertains to me, how?

"Angel is convinced that you are the one who can break Pete and Ashlee up. If you can then she can have him."

I was shocked at what I was hearing. That these girls I thought were my friends were just using me to manipulate people in their sick and twisted game.

"Rey please don't tell Angel I told you all of this. She'd kill me if she found out."

I nodded. "Only if you promise to do the same."  

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