Only Boy in the World

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It had been two weeks since Alex and I broke up and I had reverted back to staying in my room watching movies with Hemmy when I wasn't at work. I had declined to go out with Pete and his friends for the past two weekends and I hadn't returned any of Angel's phone calls. Well, I can't blame all of that on Alex. I still wasn't sure how I was going to handle that situation with her, so I was avoiding her until I did. But today, I had taken the day off because I was going to the doctor to get my cast removed. The one good thing that would happen to me over the next few weeks. I stayed silent while Pete tried to make conversation while he drove me to the office.

"...cut your leg off," he said bringing me out of my own head.


"I said the thing they use to take the cast off looks like a saw and not to worry 'cause they won't cut your leg off."

"Oh," I responded not knowing how we got to that random point.

"You're not listening to me are you?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"I guess my mind is else where right now."

"Rey, I've been cheated on before and trust me I know it sucks but you've got to snap out of it. Alex isn't the only boy in the world."

"He's the only boy in my world," I said quietly.

"And what am I?"

I smiled. "You know what I mean."

"I'm not saying you should start dating again I'm just saying you need to get out of the house. I know! In two weeks we're going to Jay's album release party in Las Vegas. It's going to be this huge party and I'm kind of dateless. Why don't you go with me?"

"Jay? As in Jay-Z," I asked starting to get excited, "But why are you dateless? What about Ashlee?"

"Oh she's going on tour didn't I tell you that?"


"Oh yeah she's leaving to go on tour that week so?"

"How long is she going to be gone?

"Three months. She's touring Europe and Asia."

"Why aren't you going with her. I mean, she always goes with you when FOB goes on tour," I asked curiously.

"Well we're going to start working on the new album so I need to stay here." I nodded. "So is that a yes?"

"That's an 'I'll think about it'," I smirked.

"You're going," he smiled.  

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