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The next morning I woke up nestled in Pete's arms and from what I was feeling right now, there was no better place in the world. I breathed deeply taking in the sunshine that flowed through his bedroom window. I turned myself over to face him. He looked so adorable sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to wake him but I couldn't help but reach out and touch his face. I ran my fingers lightly through his hair and traced the contours of his face. Finally I just gave in and kissed him because that's what I really wanted to do. I didn't realize just how I felt about Peter until I allowed myself to think of the possiblilities. Last night was amazing and all I wanted was more.

"Morning," he said his eyes slowly fluttering open with a smile on his face.

"Morning," I said as I began to kiss him again. I grabbed hold of his arm pulling him to move on top of me.

"What exactly are you doing Ms. Vasquez," he smirked.

"Trying to start a repeat of last night," I purred.

"You know for someone who said they've never done this before you sure don't act like it."

"I'm making up for lost time."


I lay in Pete's arms catching my breath and I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's not polite to laugh after sex, a guy might take that the wrong way," Pete said pouting.

"I'm sorry. It's just so funny to me that I've spent the entire six months I've known you convincing everyone that there was nothing going on between us and here I am trying to force myself to get out of your bed," I laughed again.

"Oh crap what time is it?" He jumped out of bed. It was noon. I was supposed to go to work but had chosen to stay here with Pete as long as possible. I didn't need to call the office and if I needed to I could just work through lunch tomorrow. "I was supposed to be at the studio at 10!"

He began running around like crazy trying to wash up and get dressed, looking for his phone. "Oh I guess they did call me, my phone was off." He stood in the middle of the room gripping his hair in his fingers. Come on," he said as he continued rushing.

"Where are we going?"

"I want you to come with me to the studio."

"Why," I asked even though I was already out of bed.

"I thought you might like to watch us make a record besides," he said pausing to pull me in close and whisper in my ear, "I really don't want to be away from you today."

"Alright." I returned to my own room to get ready. I knew I should probably feel bad about sleeping with another girl's boyfriend, I was not that kind of girl; but I didn't feel bad. I was too busy trying to stop myself from grinning. I hurriedly got washed up and dressed and walked back into Pete's room and watched him put on his sneakers.

We began to walk out of the house so I slip my hand into his. He paused and turned to me letting my hand slip from his. "We can't...you know just in case of the paparazzi," he said grimly.

"Ok," I said disappointed.

We walked out of the house making sure not to touch and climbed into the car.

When we pulled in front of the studio and started to get out of the car. Pete reached out grabbing my arm. When I turned to face him he kissed me. "What was that for," I asked.

"'Cause we can't do it once we get out of the car," he shrugged, "Time to act like nothing happened."

"Got it."

As soon as we walked into the studio we were bombarded by the guys wondering where Pete had been and cursing him for being late.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said instantly annoyed, "My alarm didn't go off and my phone was on silent and I was tired. I just woke up late geez."

The boys calmed down a little a noticed for the first time that I was standing in the doorway. "Hi Reina," said Patrick gingerly smiling at me from under a red baseball hat, "What are you doing here?"

"Pete asked if I wanted to come hang out."

"Aren't you supposed to be at work," Andy challenged.

"What can I say we're an oversleeping household," I laughed nervously hoping they wouldn't suspect anything.

"Well, we're happy to have you then."

I had only been in a recording studio once before back when I was still just a fan here for a week with Fall Out Boy watching Patrick produce Cobra Starship's new album. It seemed like a lifetime since then. Mostly I kept quiet and tried to stay out of the way so I wouldn't disturb them. Every once in a while Pete would ask if I was ok or look over and flash me a huge grin.

"BREAK TIME SPECIAL DELIVERY," rang out a voice. I looked up to see the boys of Panic standing in the doorway of the studio and they came bearing gifts. Ryan had a tray of coffee in his arms. The boys filed in and greeted Pete, Patrick, Andy and Joe. "Oh hey Reina's here," Ryan exclaimed, "So I didn't know you would be here or I would have brought and extra coffee." He sat the tray down on the table located at the back of the room far away from the recording equipment. "You can have mine if you like," he offered sitting down next to me.

"Oh that's ok thanks. I couldn't take your coffee from you. I'm not even that tired really, I slept in today."

He nodded. I sat and listened to the boys "talk shop" and watched Brendon try to literally kiss Pete's ass to convince him to let him appear on FOB's album again.

"Come guys we should probably be getting back," said Jon. We all waved the guys goodbye and the band got back to work.

After awhile I began to wish that I had brought something to do and that I'd taken Ryan up on his coffee offer. Watching the boys had been interesting and fun..for the first two hours but it was slowly getting later and later. At some point they stopped to eat and after that I was a goner. I don't know exactly what time it was when I curled up on the couch I was sitting on and threw Pete's hoodie over top of me. Well Pete's and Andy's both were too small to be blanket-like by themselves. I woke up to a soft voice calling my name. I opened my eyes and found Pete looking at me his face only inches away from mine. "You're tired you should go home," he said it sounded like more of a command than a question.

"No, no I'm up," I said groggily stretching my body like a cat. I checked my watch it was midnight and the boys were still working.

"No really you should go home, Rey, you still have to go to work tomorrow and we don't want you oversleeping again right," he said winking.

I smiled. "No we wouldn't want that."

"Then let Ryan take you home."

I looked towards the door for the first time to notice that Ryan, Brendon, Jon and Spencer were standing there looking expectantly in our direction. I had wanted to wait for Pete thinking maybe I'd get a repeat of last night, I really wouldn't mind being "rocked to sleep" again but it was late and I really did need to go to work in the morning. "Ok," I conceeded.

I could tell he wanted to kiss me from the way he was licking his lips but instead he simply helped me from the couch and pecked my cheek. "Good night."

I gathered my things and followed Ryan out to his car. "Thanks so much for the ride."

"Anytime," he smiled.

We rode along back to the house in a comfortable silence. When we reached the house Ryan insisted on walking me to the door. "Do you bowl," he asked out of the blue.


"Like bowling, do you bowl?"

I laughed. "Wow I haven't done that in years!"

"We should go like tomorrow night or something, if you're free," he added quickly.

"Yeah sure it sounds like fun."

"Hopefully we'll get out of the studio earlier than we did tonight, but I'll call you."


I entered the house exhausted from my day of doing absolutely nothing and realized that I didn't know where I should sleep. Would Peter be expecting me to sleep in his bed or was last night just a one time thing? Instead of spending all night worrying about it I resigned to sleeping in my own room for the night.  

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