Club Hyde

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"Hey dance with me," Pete asked Ashlee quietly nudging her elbow with his.

"I don't want to," Ashlee whined.

I only heard this exchange because I was sitting on the other side of him. He huffed for a second before suddenly turning to me. "What about you? Do you want to dance?"

"You dance,' I asked smirking.

"Rarely and badly but yes and right now I feel like dancing so how 'bout it?"

"Uh..sure." What the heck, I might as well. I climbed out of the booth and grabbed Pete's hand as he led me to the dance floor. We danced silently for awhile. Pete was no Usher or Justin Timberlake but he wasn't bad. I looked over at the booth. Danielle was positively seething with jealousy it almost made me laugh. She was actually starting to grow on me. I looked past her at Ashlee who looked slightly pissed. "Is Ashlee going to be mad that you're dancing with me," I yelled over the music.

"No, and if she is then she should have just agreed to dance in the first place." We danced to a few more songs, I even tried to teach him some new moves but it didn't go well, so we headed back to the booth. The rest of the gang and I decided to leave when Pete and his crew left so we walked with them outside at the end of the night. "Are you guys ok with getting back to the hotel," asked Pete.

"Yeah we just called a cab," answered Kristin.

"Ok, well, I'll see you tomorrow then. Make sure you don't oversleep we have a big surprise planned for tomorrow," he said winking at me.

"You just make sure you get your Starbuck's before we see you so you won't be grumpy Pete," I joked.  

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