Big Man on Campus

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I was very excited that it was Friday. Today, I was supposed to go visit Alex at school. He had only been in school a week but it was already taking it's toll. I hadn't see him all week between freshman orientations and welcome activities. He promised me things would get better once he found his rhythm. I wasn't surprised though I knew he would be much busier obviously. I was just happy that I would get to visit him now. I left straight from work and headed to the UCLA campus. I called him to meet me in the parking lot once I had gotten there.

"Hey," he grinned once he had reached the car. He helped me get out and then gave me a long sensuous kiss. He obviously missed me a lot. "I'm sorry glad you're here. I can't wait to show you around. And you're never going to guess who my roommate is."


"It's a secret. I've been dying to tell you all week because it's so weird but you'll just have to wait and see."

"Well not much longer I hope."

"Nope come on."

It was slow going walking across campus, I knew at some point today I would actually be wishing I had a wheelchair.

"I'm sorry, I know you must be tired. I wasn't even thinking about all the walking you would have to do. I should have told you to wait until your leg is healed."

"What? Alex, I was not going to wait six weeks to see where my boyfriend lives." As we continued to walk I noticed that Alex got a lot of attention. It seemed like every 15 seconds someone was calling out to him to say "hi" or asking if he was going to some party. "I see you've already made quite a few friends," I commented.

"Yeah well they put us in all of these programs when we first get here to help us make friends and then there's all the kids in my classes and people I've met at parties. It's no big deal I don't think I've made anymore friends than anyone else."

"If you say so but you seem pretty popular to me."

Finally when we reached his dorm room he knocked before sticking his key in. Then he cracked the door and stuck his head in. "Can Reina come in? Oh okay the coast is clear." He held the door open wide so I could fit through with my crutches
"Reina meet my roommate Penn."

I was shocked to see Penn from the party months ago, the one who had hit on me, was my boyfriend's new roommate. "Hi Penn it's nice to see you again." I tried to adjust my crutches so that I could extend my hand.

He immediately jumped up from his seat. "Here you should sit here. I'm sure all that walking was tiring." I thanked him and took a seat. "Penn Miller," he said sticking out his hand.

I shook it and smiled. "Well this is a nice place you guys have," I said looking around.

Alex laughed. "You're lying. It's a hole, we know it."

"I guess it is a tad small," I admitted. Really it looked like a jail cell to me. It was tiny and it had two loft beds with desks underneath each of them, two small chest of drawers and one microscopic closet. To be honest it was probably the size of my room back home but I didn't have to share that room with another person and I must have been getting spoiled by Pete's house because now I couldn't even remember being so cramped. "Well we'll just say it's a good thing you two like each other."

They laughed. Then there was a knock at the door and Alex jumped to answer it. "Hey Brianna. What's up," I heard him say. I turned around to see a petite brunette with big blue eyes push past the door into the room. "I just want to see if you can meet me in library tomorrow afternoon to study. I could really use some help..." She stopped when she saw me. "Oh I didn't know you guys have company I'm sorry. I'll just talk to you later."

"No it's okay. Brianna I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Reina."

"Hi I'm Brianna," she said extending her hand and shaking mine limply, "Alex, you never told me you have a girlfriend. She's pretty."

"Thank you," I said keeping my smile firmly in place even though she had just pulled the I-didn't-know-you-have-a-girlfriend trick. "So you guys have a class together?"

She nodded. "Economics."

"If you need help and it's only the first week of school, I think you might be in trouble," I said slyly.

"I think I'll be ok. I just make sure I sit next to Alex every class so he can whisper the explanations in my ear. He'll help me catch up in no time. Your boyfriend is really smart." As she was saying this, I watched as she slid her arm around Alex's waist. Fortunately for him he moved out of her grasp.

"Well I was actually planning on being with Reina tomorrow since we haven't gotten to see each other all week but you should call Heather she's pretty good she'll help you."

"Maybe I will. I'll see you later Alex. It was nice to meet you Reina," she said flashing one last phony smile as she exited.

"Tell me Economics is a half a year class," I said rolling my eyes when she had left.

"Nope sorry babe."

"It's worse, actually she lives on the floor above us," added Penn.

"Thanks dude. Rey what do you care? You know it doesn't matter, I don't care if she flirts with me. I don't want her."

"That's why you didn't tell her about me?"

"She was lying. I mention you all the time she just pretends not to hear it." He walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck. "I love you, don't let some girl get to you okay?" He bent down to kiss the top of my head. "But hey maybe it's just payback for you and Penn flirting at the party," he said jokingly.

"Don't tell me you're bringing that up again."

"No I'm just kidding. Come on you ready to see the rest of the campus?"

We spent the rest of the evening touring the campus and meeting more of Alex's new friends. Then we ate dinner in one of the dining halls. By the time I got home that night I was exhausted by all of the walking that I fell right to sleep.  

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