Good Luck (Break A Leg)

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When I woke up it was noon. "Oh my god Alex get up!" He groaned and turned over. I ran into the bathroom to shower in record time. I was supposed to pick up Pete and Ashlee from the airport in one hour and with the LA traffic I was sure that wasn't enough time. When I exited the bathroom I was frustrated to find Alex still asleep. Oh well, I'd have to go without him.

Fortunately I made it just a few minutes late and the plane arrived at exactly the same time that I did. I waited by the gate until the plane landed. Suddenly out of no where there was a swarm of paparazzi and as th eboys and their entourage exited the gate I was lost in a sea of cameras and photographers. I knew that I was too short, Pete would never see me in this crowd. "Pete," I yelled. I tried to push my way through the crowd. "Peter!" This was no use especially when everyone else was yelling his name too. Suddenly the crowd began to move and I was swept along. Next thing I knew I was on the floor with people walking quickly and yelling all around me. Then I heard a crack an a searing pain shot up my left leg. I groaned in agony for a moment before returning to yelling for help. Suddenly I was being scooped up from the floor. I lifted my eyes to see Pete was carrying me. At first we were surrounded by the paparazzi. I closed my eyes to block out the bright lights and clung to Pete's neck.

"Get away you're hurting her," he yelled angrily. Then I felt like I could breathe again. The crowd what gone and I opened my eyes to see both FOB's and the airport's security controlling the crowd so that we could get through. "Are you okay," he asked as he put me down but my leg buckled under me. He caught me. "What happened?"

"I think my leg is broken. I got stepped on."

"Those bastards," he muttered under his breath, "Come on."

He picked me up again and carried me to the car. Then he drove me to the hospital. It wasn't long before I fell asleep from the pain medication they gave me while they fixed my leg. When I woke up Pete was sitting in a chair beside my bed. "Hey sleepyhead," he said smiling.

"Hey," I said raspily.

"Are you okay? Reina I'm so sorry."

"I'm fine and what are you sorry for? You didn't do anything and this not your fault so don't even worry about it."

"Reina are you okay," exclaimed Alex rushing through the door.

"I'll just leave you two alone," said Pete leaving quickly.

"I'm fine Alex. Just a broken leg, no big deal."

"Damn it, I should have gone with you. And I'm not going to be there to take care of you anymore. This is all my fault why didn't I just get out of bed?" I smirked. "What are you making that face for?"

"Because I don't know what's up with you boys and blaming yourselves. It's no one's fault...ok maybe it's the paparazzi's fault a little but it's certainly not your's."

He took my hand and bent down over me. "I'm glad you're okay. I was so worried. I love you Reina."

I grinned. "I love you too Alex." I lifted up to kiss him. "And don't worry I'm sure Pete will take care of me."

"Yeah that's what I'm afraid of."


"Nothing it's just I'm afraid that with me starting school we won't be able to spend as much time together."

"It'll be fine. You can come to the house to study sometimes and I can come hang out in your dorm of course. Nothing is going to change."

We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. "Sorry just letting you know they're ready to discharge you if you're ready to go home," said Pete.

"Yeah that's fine."

He left us once again. Alex helped me dress and I got some crutches from a nurse.  

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