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The next morning, I made sure to get up earlier than usual to call Russel DuBois to set up a time for my interview: 10 am the next morning. After showering and throwing on some sweats I went into the kitchen and found Ashlee sitting at the counter eating a half a grapefruit. "So I spoke to Russell this morning, my interview is at 10 tomorrow," I said as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

She seemed to perk up. "Great! So you still want to go shopping today right? It'll be good, 'cause I think Pete has to do something dealing with the tour today anyway."

"Of course I want to go."

"Ok how about 12?"

"Perfect." I put the bagel I had toasted on a plate and began slathering it with the special cream cheese Alex had brought for me; it had pieces of smoked salmon in it.

Ashlee sighed longingly as I gingerly took a bite. "You have no idea how lucky you are that you don't have to watch your weight." I snorted a this seemingly backhanded compliment and offered her the other half of my bagel. "No thanks," she said frowning at her grapefruit.

At about noon, I met Ashlee downstairs and we drove down to Rodeo Drive. I followed Ashlee down the street and tried not to look skeptical as we walked into the ever classy Chanel boutique. "Hello Ms. Simpson, it's nice to see you , what can I help you with," asked a saleswoman in a professional navy blue skirt suit. Her red hair was pulled back very tightly and her sharp cheek bones gave a very severe look, so although her voice sounded friendly her face certainly did not convey this. Too much Botox, perhaps?

"My friend here has a job interview tomorrow and she needs a suit," she replied.

"Ahh I see, well you have certainly come to the right place. Do you have a particular style in mind or color perhaps and I can start pulling some for you?"

They both looked at me expectantly. "Umm, black definitely and I think pants maybe wide-leg?"

The saleswoman nodded and disappeared behind a curtain. As soon as she did, Ashlee and I began looking at some of the clothes hanging in the main area of the store. I looked at the price tag for a tan skirt suit. $2500?! "Uh, Ashlee are you sure about this?"

She laughed at me. "Pete gave me the credit card to give to you I forgot. But stop worrying about it. You worry about money too much."

I knew she didn't mean that in a bad way but I couldn't help being annoyed by it. "Ashlee, my mom and I were struggling before I came here. I'm not like you, I haven't been wealthy for most of my life. I've been poor for the past 18 years, I can't not worry about money."

Ashlee looked taken aback by my express but did not have a chance to respond before the saleswoman came back. "Ok ladies I've pulled a coup of suits tat you might like and also a few I thin you should look at. Here you go."

I tried on quite a few suits and admittedly after awhile they all began to look alike. Ashlee and I tried to forget our little argument and she really tried to help me find the right suit. "Oooh I really like that one Rey," she said as I emerged from the dressing room for what seemed like the 20th time wearing black wide-leg pants that worked will with my curvy figure and a nipped in jacket with mother-of-pearl buttons rimmed in silver. It was just modern enough to not look like it belonged to my mother but it was still very classic and it was just as comfortable as wearing a sweat suit.

"I like it too," I grinned. I changed back into my street clothes and paid for the suit. I kind of zoned out when she told me the price, it was th only way I could manage to hand over the credit card. "So where to next," I asked as we exited the shop.

"We could go get a blouse and some shoes...unless you don't want to," she said quietly. I knew she was upset about what I had said inside.

"Why don't we go get some food first?" I knew hunger might have contributed to my snappiness. We found this little french cafe to eat at. It was surprisingly low on tourists and it was very cozy. "I'm sorry about what I said back at Chanel, my family's financial problems have nothing o do with you."

"No you were right I am kind of spoiled. And the fact that I would even say something like that to someone proves it. I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry."

I was surprised by her willingness to admit fault but then I never really thought Ashlee as a bad person to begin with. "No problem as long as you forgive me for snapping."

"Deal," she grinned.

After lunch we continued our shopping. We headed to Roberto Cavalli and found this fantastic colorful silk blouse that tied into a bow on the side of the neck. And for our last stop: Neiman Marcus for shoes. As concerned as I was about money, even I had to admit that $525 for black leather 4" Manolo Blahnik pumps was well worth it.

When we got back to the house I immediately noticed Angel's navy blue SUV parked outside. "Hey guys," greeted Pete who happened to be in the foyer when we came in. He kissed Ashlee quickly. "Angel's upstairs waiting for you Rey."

"How long has she been here," asked Ashlee suspiciously.

"Like 5 minutes, why,"answered Pete mimicking her suspicion.

"Thanks for everything Ash," I said giving her a quick hug and heading upstairs.  

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