Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

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I couldn't leave things with Alex the way that we did. So I got together a basket full of snacks that he could use while studying including some homemade brownies. Well, they were from a box, but I made the box mix at home so that counts right? I knew I was risking it, driving up to his school after he told me that he needed space but I did it anyway. When I got there I figured out that it would be more difficult than I thought to carry the basket and use my crutches so I used one crutch and carried the basket under my other arm all the way across campus to his dorm. By the time I reached it, I was tired and out of breath. I checked in at the desk downstairs and went up to his floor. I knocked on his door. I thought I heard what sounded like voices coming from inside and waited patiently. They probably just needed to make sure that the dorm was decent or something. "Penn don't you see the rubber band around the knob...Reina," said Alex looking shocked to see me.

"No as a matter-of-fact I didn't see it," I said icily.

"Reina, I..."

"Who's in there Alex?" He stared at the floor. I opened the door wider and saw Brianna sitting on Alex unmade bed in her bra. I immediately turned to leave. "Reina wait please," begged Alex coming after me. I really wished that my cast was already off it would have made my exit a lot quicker. "Reina, I'm sorry..."

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say, Alex," I said trying to keep myself together.

"Reina, I made a mistake. I love you I really do," he pleaded.

I stopped trying to run away and turned to look at him. He did look hurt but I realized that at this moment he couldn't possible look as hurt as I felt. "No you were right. You needed a break. I just wish you would have said that you meant you wanted us to break up so I wouldn't have come down here and made a fool out of myself," I said my voice cracking.

"But I didn't mean that I wanted us to break up..."

"So you meant that you wanted us to see other people."

"NO! What happened yesterday morning had nothing to do with Brianna."

"Of course it did Alex! You needed a break from me so that you wouldn't feel guilty being with Brianna."

"Rey I swear this is the first time..."

"I don't believe anything you say right now Alex and you shouldn't expect me to. Here I lugged this stupid gift all the way across campus on one crutch for you. I'll be damned if I'm going to do the same thing back so I'd rather you just keep it. Consider it a parting gift."

With that I turned and left, this time he didn't come after me.It felt like it was taking forever to get to the car. "Hey Reina, how are you," said a voice from behind me. At this moment I didn't care who it was I just wanted to get to the car. "Reina," the voice called again. Then I heard footsteps behind me as the person jogged up then suddenly Penn stood directly in my way.


"You just came from the dorm," he guessed knowingly.

"Yes and right now I'd just like to go home so can you please move out of my way?"

"Why do you only have one of your crutches?"

"Because I left the other in the car so I could carry this big gift basket to the dorm," I said.

"Well let me help you to your car, at least," he offered out of concern.

I really didn't feel like dealing with anybody right now but it had to be better than going it alone. "Fine," I said as if I was doing him a favor instead of the other way around. I put my crutch-less arm around his shoulder and he practically carried me the rest of the way to my car. "Thanks," I said once we got there.

"I'm really sorry Reina," he looked genuine.


"Are you going to be okay?"

"No but I'm going to try."

He nodded. "Well get home safe."  

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