Pretty Woman

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We parked and began walking down Wilshire Blvd eventually turning onto Rodeo Drive. I looked at the window displays of the Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel stores in awe. The clothes were gorgeous if my mother was there she would die. No, stop that, I couldn't think about her, not right then. I followed them into Bebe. The clothes were bright and funky. "If you ever need anything for a party this is where to get it." Angel immediately began holding clothes up against my body trying to guess my size.

We spent the remainder of the afternoon shopping. I felt like one of those girls in the movies who under goes a major transformation; except in the movies they never show the girl getting queasy after mentally adding up all the bills. "Pete is going to kill me," I resigned as we sat at Matsuhisa grabbing some dinner before going back to the house.

"No he's not you needed this. Besides he's going to be thanking his lucky stars that he gets to see you walking around in this stuff everyday."

"Come again?"

"Oh come on Reina. Don't pretend like you don't know you're hot. These clothes just...emphasize it."

"Whatever you say Angel." I rolled my eyes.

"I think she's right, Pete's going to be drooling when he sees you in that dress tonight," said Tessa.

"Well thanks but Pete will just have to eat his heart out," I said sarcastically, "I'm seeing someone. By the way, can he come tonight? I'd really rather not be the fifth wheel."

"Yeah I guess I mean you don't have to ask us."

I took out my cell and asked Alex if he wanted to come. He said "yes" emphatically, excited that I was getting out of the house.

Upon getting back the house I immediately relinquished the credit card back into his possession. "I am so sorry, it was all their fault," I said automatically.

He laughed. "I told you it's fine. I sent you out with them, I expected some damage at least."

"Well...I didn't get a $20,000 ball gown," I said hopefully.

He laughed again. "Well that's good enough for me."  

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