New York, New York

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I could have spotted Alex's mother anywhere not that they looked alike but the big red heart-shaped posted featuring her son's name written out in glitter certainly helped. "Alex! Oh honey I miss you so much already," she exclaimed hugging him tightly, "I'm going to die if I can't see you until winter break."

I stepped forward nervously extending my hand. "Hi, Mrs..."

"Oh honey we don't do that handshake thing around here you give me a big hug," she said as she squeezed the breath out of me, "and please call me Dawn."

"It's nice to meet you Dawn."

"Likewise. So I was think we could head back to the apartment and you all can get cleaned up and then we'll go to lunch is that good?"

"Sounds great mom." It was so cute to see him interact with his mother it was a complete 180 from how he was with his dad. We traveled back to Dawn's apartment in Soho. She lived in a nice building and her apartment was a nice size. You 'd never know it though with all of the knick-knacks she had crammed in. The apartment was done in hues of red, purple, and fuchsia with gold accents. It was obviously very bohemian themed and you could smell the incense from the hallway. She had heavy purple drapes covering the door to the balcony and lost of pillows covered in different fabrics, sequins, tassels everything you could think of.

After Alex and i changed we went to this restaurant on the corner that sold Indian food. I absolutely loved Dawn, she was funny and charismatic. She made me feel like part of the family. She made me miss my mother.

Since I had never been to New York City we spent the entire week doing touristy things. I thought it would annoy Alex but he seemed to enjoy my enthusiasm. He even bought me an "I Heart NY" sweatshirt. We went to the Empire State Building and walked up the Statue of Liberty. We went to Ellis Island and spent hours at the Met. We went to tapings of Jay Leno and SNL. I dragged him all over the city shopping from Macy's to Bloomingdales to Barneys to Tiffanys but I did let him take me to FAO Schwartz, where we walked around in a toy store, in awe of the complex train sets and the life-sized teddy bears.

Then in the evenings we would go out to all the posh restaurants and clubs including Pete's Angels & Kings bar. Knowing the owner definitely came in handy. the week went by too fast and while I was glad for a vacation I was glad to get home too. Wow...home, that's the first time I've thought of Pete's house that way... and it was natural.

I put my keys on the hook by the front door and Alex came up behind me putting his arms around my waist after dropping our bags to the side. We got back to LA early on Saturday morning. This would be Alex's last free weekend since he was starting college and Pete and the boys were coming home in the afternoon. We barely got changed into our pajamas before collapsing on the bed.  

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