South Beach Party Animal

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"Kyle says 'hi'," said Alex tapping on my shoulder.

"Hi Kyle," I shouted into Alex's cell. Alex looked at me amused as he hung up his iPhone. "What?"

"Nothing, you just look really beautiful," he whispered low in my ear.

"Thank you," I whispered back our mouths close together. I glance up to see Pete watching us but he quickly looked away once our eyes met.

"So what about you Alex, what's your story?" Angel certainly was interested in getting to know us.

"Uh, I'm from New York but my dad lives here so I'm staying with him until I start UCLA in the fall."

"That's cool, I go there," said Tessa who up until now had been very quiet.

"So why are you going to UCLA if you want to be a chef," Pete asked, "Why don't you go to CSCA or the Art Institute?"

I had wondered that myself but I figured Alex would tell me if he wanted to.

"I'd rather not talk about that." Alex looked uncomfortable.

"What, your parents don't support it or something?"

"I said I don't want to talk about it."

"It's ok man I mean my parents weren't exactly thrilled when I told them I was quitting college to..."

"I said I don't want to talk about it," Alex raised his voice angrily.

I squeezed his arm comfortingly hoping he would calm down.

"Oooh, he's feisty; I like it," said Angel breaking the ice.

"Come on babe let's go dance," suggested Ashlee. Apparently Pete hadn't taken too kindly to being yelled at.

"Let's all dance," I suggested; and we did. Soon we had forgotten the incident and clamored back into the booth laughing and gulping down water.

"I didn't know Rey was such a party animal," teased Andy.

"I'm from South Beach, it's in my blood," I joked back.  

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