Like A Pro

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Pete and I got our coffees and sat down inside Starbuck's to enjoy them. We talked about the trip to Vegas excitedly and about how I had never been. He told me all about it and about how I would get to meet some more of his friends there.

"Yeah at Ashlee's album release party Ryan observed how strange it was that I'd been living with you for a while and it was the first time we'd ever met. He said you thought I wasn't up for meeting your friends?"

He looked up from his coffee sheepishly. "Not that I don't want you to meet them because I do. I think they'd love you. It just seemed like for a long time you were up for much of anything let alone meeting a bunch of new people."

"You're right, I wasn't. But I think I'm ready now. You said it yourself I need to get out and have fun and meet people."

"Good I'm glad you agree. So you ready to meet Jay-Z," he smiled.

I laughed. "Well, I might pass out but I'll definitely try and at least get out a hello first before I do."

We gathered our stuff to leave. When we stepped out of the store, men with cameras ran up to us. It wasn't as many as had been at the airport but I instantly felt uneasy, especially since I had just gotten my cast off from my last run-in with the paparazzi.

"Who's the girl, Pete," asked one.

"She's staying with you now right? Aren't you the girl from the MTV special the one who lost everything in Hurricane George a few months back?"

They were looking at me expectantly. "," I stuttered.

"Hey guys can you give us some space please. The last time she was around the paparazzi they stampeded her and broke her leg. She just got the cast off today and I think you all are making her nervous."

"Oh we're sorry to hear about that guys. Glad your leg is better," they commented as they politely took a few steps back.

"What's your name Miss," one paparazzo.

I looked to Pete for permission. He just shrugged. "My name is Reina," I said quietly.

Then they all started calling my name. "Reina, is Pete really a nice guy behind closed doors?"

"Reina, what's it like living with Pete Wentz?"

"Reina, what's your relationship like with Pete?"

My head was spinning. They were all asking me questions at the same time so that I couldn't understand any of them individually. I wasn't sure of what to say or if I should say anything at all. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and cause trouble for him. They were all waiting for me expectantly, Peter included.

"Well Pete really is a very nice guy. In fact, he's much nicer than some of the magazines and blogs would have you believe. He's such a great guy and he's been amazing in helping me get back on my feet during this difficult time and I owe him so much," I said smiling.

I looked at Pete to see what he thought and he was giving me a strange smile. I didn't know what that meant, so I just followed his lead as he led me, his arm around my waist protectively, to the car. He waited to make sure that I was in my side with the doors locked before he went around to get in on his side. The paparazzi were still around the front of the car taking pictures but they did wave goodbye and thanked us for our time.

"Did I do alright," I asked after we were on our way.

"Yeah you did fine."

"Well, it's just that you were looking at me kind of strange after I answered their questions."

"Oh I was just surprised that's all."

"At what?"

"You handled them like a pro. You gave a diplomatic answer and you didn't let them fluster you. It took me a long time to be able to do and I still let them get to me. I'm always putting my foot in my mouth anyway so in situations like that I tend to not think before I speak and then what I say is taken out of context and used against me. It just surprised me that you are such a natural at dealing with the press. It's good you might need it."

"What do you mean," I asked.

"Well because MTV showed that last part of the trip where I offered for you to come stay with me. Everyone knows now. They might be interested in you more. This might be happening more often, you should be prepared for it."

I frowned at the possibility. But at the same time, it hadn't been that bad they had actually been pretty nice and they're only doing their jobs.

When we got back to the house I was disappointed to find Angel's car parked outside.  

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