Rock 'n' Bowl

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I finished getting ready and not five minutes later Ryan showed up to pick me up.

"Hey," I said cheerily hopping in. Oddly, I was very excited to be going bowling. It felt like the first normal thing I'd done in months.

"Hey! So I hope you don't mind but I figured we'd just eat at the alley they have pizza and hot dogs and all that other stuff."

"Nope I don't mind at all. No offense but I hope you really suck at this because I haven't played in years and I don't want to bowl gutter balls by myself."

He laughed. "I've been trying to get back into it but don't worry I don't get to practice much so we'll be bad together."

Once we got there we got our shoes (I laughed at how ridiculously big Ryan's feet are) and got settled in a lane.

"So how's the album coming," I asked once we had gotten settled and done a few practice shots. Ryan looked so adorable walking down the lane he looked like the bowling ball would 'cause him to fall over. I'm sure it weighed more than him.

"It's good. We have a lot written but we're still unsure about some parts musically so we'd figured we go into the studio and mess around with whatever instruments we can get our hands on." I nodded. "What about your job what do you do again?"

"I'm an independent fashion design consultant. It's going well. I love it actually my schedule is very flexible, the people are cool, and my job is basically like play. I get to window shop basically only I can make changes to the clothes on display if that makes any sense."

"Yeah it does, it sounds cool actually."

"Uh oh you aren't thinking about a career change are you?"

He chuckled. "Uh no, besides no one would hire me to design clothes but you never know someone told me the gay-hippie-cowboy look is going to be all the rage next season."

My eyes widened in shock. "Pete told you I said that," I squealed.

"I told you he has a big mouth. He can't keep a secret to save his life. It's ok though I'll prove all of you wrong pretty soon everyone's going to be dressing like me, just wait and see," he predicting before bounding up the lane to take another shot.  

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