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"So are you guys sick of us now, you ready to go home," asked Andy. At the mere sound of the word "home" I burst into tears. "Uh oh, what did I say," he asked defensively.

Alex explained the situation to them. "What am I going to do," I cried.

"I've been calling around all night," said Sarah, "they're not letting any flights into that area."

"Where am I going to go? My mom is the only family I have. How am I going to find her if I don't get back there?"

Pete spoke, "Actually that's why I was late. Sarah called me last night. I've been talking to MTV all night but those bastards won't help. Apparently it's not their responsibility. Mother...," he started muttering again.

"You can stay with me," offered Alex, "I'll have my mom send my stuff to my dad's instead of going back to NY."

"Alex, he doesn't even know me."

"Trust me he owes me big time, he'll do it."

"No," said Pete with such force that everyone got quiet, "Reina you'll stay with me."

"But Pete..."

"No 'buts'; you came out here for us and I'm not going to leave you out in the cold," His voice softened, "Stay with me Reina. I'm hardly ever home that place just goes to waste. We'll take it a day at a time and you can leave whenever you want."

"But my mom..."

"I already have people on their way to look for her."

I was so overwhelmed by his kindness and generosity that I suddenly wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and buried my face in his chest. "Thank you so much Peter," I said sobbing.

"Your welcome," he whispered.

I finally let go and Dani immediately handed me a paper napkin. I looked around and noticed that quite a few of the patrons and most of the staff were staring at the scene we'd been making disapprovingly. "I don't think I can stay here anymore," I said tenatively.

"Yeah I agree," said Pete noticing the stares, "Let's go have breakfast at my house."

"I'll cook," volunteered Alex quickly.

"You cook," asked Kristin in surprise.

"Yeah actually my dream job is to be a chef," he said as we gathered our things to go.

"Aww, he's gorgeous, sweet, and he cooks. Lucky girl." Kristin winked at me.

"Is there something going on with you and Alex," Pete asked me as we walked out of the restaurant.

I shrugged, "Yeah I guess but I've only known the guy for a week." He just nodded. Since we were leaving sooner than expected the bus wasn't outside so instead we split up among the boys' four cars.  

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