Chapter 24

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I then took another nap and when I wake up I got everything together. I put every weapon back inside and I fixed every paper and when they came everything was the way it was.

Dean - Whoa.

Jo - You clean up very nice.

Sam - Ready to go?

Amy - . . .

Jo - Amy?

I give them the papers and I took the bags in the car when they came. I waited by the car and they got out and I was just looking at people having fun and the little kids being happy.

Jo - Amy, come on get in the car. We're leaving.

Dean - Uh, Jo.

Jo - What?

Sam gets out and he goes to me.

Sam - Are you ok?

Amy - . . .

I walk to the car and Sam grabs my hand gently and turns me around facing to him.

Sam - Hey, you stopped talking all of the sudden. Why?

Amy - . . .

Sam - Come on.

We get in the car and we drive to pick up Ellen since she came and it was very quite in the car. Sam was insane back, Jo and I were in the back. Jo was not close to her mother so she was behind the drivers seat and I was in the middle and Sam was behind the passengers seat.

Dean - Well, you -- you weren't kidding about flying out, we're you?

Ellen just stayed quote looking a the road and he took his smoke straight off his face. We all looked at each other and then to Ellen and we look away.

Dean - How about we listen to some music?

🎶You're as cold as ice🎶

Ellen turns the radio off. Sam, Jo, and I looked at each other and I just looked straight.

Dean - This is gonna be a long drive.

Dean speeds it up a little so it wouldn't take long.

Amy - You think?

I say low and Jo looks at me and smiles. I smile back and I lay my head back and I sigh quietly. We didn't make a stop at all. I didn't go to sleep at all since I've been taking naps back at the apartment.

When we arrived in the morning Ellen grabbed Jo's arm walking. We entered and I stood beside.

Dean - Ellen. . . It was my fault, ok? I lied to you, and I'm sorry. But Jo did good out there. I think her father would be proud.

Ellen - Don't you dare say that -- not you. I need a moment with my daughter -- alone.

We walked outside and waited. I was by the car and I was still quite.

Dean comes walking to me and gives me a gun.

Amy - . . .

Dean - Say something.

Amy - What the hell am I supposed to say, Dean?

Dean - Say something like, thank you? Or something.

Amy - Why are you giving me this? What, is it because I call you a bitch when Sam wasn't there and you give Jo and knife?

Sam - What?

Dean - I felt guilty --

Amy - Guilty?! Hell you should be guilty all the fucking time!

Sam - Hey --

Dean - Yes, ok. I felt guilty! I always feel guilty right after I say no to you!

Amy - Why?!

Jo comes out mad. And she was going to walk straight to Dean but she then decides to just walk away. Dean went after her.

Dean - That bad, huh?

Jo - Not right now.

Sam - Amy.

Amy - What?

He was sitting down on the car and he pulls me to him.

Sam - What's wrong. And you better not say "I'm fine" Amy.

Amy - Nothing.

Sam - Tell me.

Amy - I don't want to.

Dean - What happened? Hey, talk to me.

Jo - Get off me!

Dean - Sorry, I'll see you around.

He turns around and we minded our own business but only heard them.

Jo - Dean. . .  It turns out that my dad had a partner on his last hunt. Funny, he usually worked alone. This guy did, too. But I guess my father figured he could trust him. A mistake. This guy screwed up, got my dad killed.

Dean - What does this have to do with --

Jo - It was your father, Dean.

Dean - What?

Jo - Why do you think John never came back, never told you about us? 'Cause he couldn't look at my mom inbred eye after that -- that's why.

Dean - Jo --

Jo - Just -- just get out of here. Please, just leave.

She walks away and Dean was just standing there.

Sam - Hey, you gotta tell me, Amy.

Amy - No.

I backed away and he just let's me walk away. I sigh and I just went in the car and stayed there.

I had the gun right next to me and I get out and give it to Dean.

Dean - Keep it.

Amy - No.

Dean - Amy, when somebody gives you something, you accept it, you don't give it back or deny it.

Amy - So I'm supposed accept that I killed my parents. . .Dean?

Dean - . . .

He noticed that he said that and it wasn't supposed to come out like that.

Dean - No, I-I didn't meant it like that, Amy.

Amy - It came out for a reason didn't it?

Dean - Amy --

Amy - No, I got it, Dean.

I walked away and he grabs my arm I turn around and I slap him.

Amy - Don't you dare touch me, ever!

Dean - Ok. I'm sorry.

I walk away and I stop.

Amy - I hate to be this person but who's it going to be. Jo or me, Dean. And I hate that I have to bring it up like this but you're gonna have to choose.

I walked away and went a different direction than Jo. I just kept the gun just in-case. I didn't regret anything I didn't hesitate, no nothing.

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