Chapter 18

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Man - Come on. I'll give you a ride home.

Amy - No thank you, sir. How about you go home, and I stay here.

He touches me and Dean took a glance and thought that he was just talking to me.

Man - I don't give up that easy, little girl.

Amy - You're messing with the wrong girl, dude.

Man - How about you show me what you can do?

He tries to touch me but I push his hands away. He touches me again and I slapped him really hard that everybody was there.

Man - You should he never done that.

I put my bag down and and the guy touches me again I punch him on the face and he back away.

Amy - Don't you dare touch me again!

Jo - Everything ok?

Man - Everything's fine, she's just saying things to me.

Amy - Are you kidding me?

Jo - What happened, Amy?

The guy pulls me out of the roadhouse and Jo tries to grab me and the guy pulls her away and I take the gun out and I pulled the hammer.

Amy - Makes it more easier.

Man - Whoa.

The man grabs me and Jo backs away and I push the guy away from me and someone pushes the guy away.

Dean - Hey, my man. Not a way to treat a lady like that.

Amy - Bitch.

Man - What did you call me?

He was about to grab me until Dean turns him around and punches him on the face. Sam got up and Ellen kicked the man out and I grabbed my bag and I just wanted to walk out but Sam checked if I was ok.

Amy - I'm fine.

I left behind the Roadhouse and I slammed the door. Dean went in and I didn't want to talk to him.

Dean - Are you ok?

Amy - How about you ask Jo?

Dean - What?

Amy - Dean! You only saw me and the guy was touching me and you did nothing! But of course when Jo comes in you come in!!

Everybody heard us arguing.

Dean - I thought you were ok!

Amy - you're sick! Do you always think that every women is okay when they are being sexually harassed!

Dean - I'm not sick

Amy - Let me guess, if Jo was the one being touched like that I bet you would automatically walk in and beat the guy up!

Dean - No...I wouldn't

Amy - Yes you would! It's obvious enough that you like her! Remember what you said--you're lying!

Dean - Amy, stop

Amy - No, you stop! I won't stop until you stop being such a asshole-- but i don't want to waist my time on telling you the rest, because it'll take a month.

Dean - Tell me. Open up and tell me.

Amy - Some nerve you have. I am NOT going to open up to you (pokes him on the chest s little hard) until YOU open up to your ONLY brother a lot more often

Dean - This has nothing to do with my brother

Amy - Would you open up to Jo?

Dean - No, I wouldn't

Amy - you hesitated. STOP LYING!

I pushed him

Dean - Ok, so I would open up to Jo but what does that --

Amy - You narcissistic bastard!

Dean - Don't say that to me

Amy - I get to say whatever I want! Your not my boyfriend, nor are you my father!

Dean - You're right. I'm not...but Sam and I took you in with us.

Amy - You gave me pity?

Before he could speak I just walked out because I could talk to him anymore.

Dean - Don't walk away from me, Amy!

Amy - Back off, Dean!!

Dean - We took you in --!

Amy - You make it sound like I'm your sister or part of the family. . . And I'm not!!

Dean - Why are you making it such a big deal!?

Amy - Because you would open up to Jo, Dean!

Dean - Why are you always bringing Jo up?!

Amy - You don't get it, do you?!

I walked out and Sam walks to me.

Sam - Everybody heard you two. . . And don't call Dean a narcissistic bastardized, Amy.

Amy - He gets on my nerves .-

Dean - Tell me, Amy! Tell me, what I don't get.

He went up to me and I groan loud.

Amy - You care more about Jo than your own brother! And YOU BARELY MET HER AND YOU'VE KNOWN SAM FOR 21 YEARS, DEAN!!!

Dean looked at me with a hurt face and Sam just looked at Dean with a shocked and disappointed face.

Amy - I can't do this anymore! Dean, I'm sorry. I really am, it was truly nice to meet you, but your really pushing the line. I'm trying here, okay. But all you do is cross the line. What did I ever to do you? What did I do or say to you that made you be a fucking pain in the ass. I'm done putting up with you. I really do hope that find your demon. I really do.

Sam - Amy.

Amy - No.

I walked out and I drop the gun and another gun to the floor. I grabbed the throwing knives and drop them also to the floor.

Amy - Like I said I'm done.

I held the door open.

Amy - And Winchester's try tracking me down I'll just keep moving.

I walked out and I left.

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