Chapter 2

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Sam - . . .

Amy - Right. I'm not supposed to know, If you both don't want me to know then why bring me to every single place you go, if you don't even want me to know anything but the place we're going to?

Sam - Amy, you know why.

Amy - No, I don't know Sam!

I raise my voice a little.

Sam - Amy --

Amy - Just... Forget about it, Sam.

I walked across the hallway and Layla says bye to me and I say bye back. I went in the room and I grab my sweater, put it on and I head to the door when Sam comes in.

Amy - Move, Sam.

Sam - No.

Amy - Sam.

Sam - Amy.

I push him to the door and Sam grabs my arm and Dean was confused. I slap him and I walked away from the room.

Dean - Amy!

Amy - Leave me alone!

Dean - Dammit! Sam what did you do to her.

Sam - She asked who she was and she wanted to know what job we just did.

Dean - We can't tell her, but you should've said that she was part of the job.

I stopped hearing them and I was outside and I left for a walk and I get a call from Sam and don't answer, Dean called and I don't answer it. When it was night and I was halfway back to the hotel Dean calls.

Amy - What do you want, Dean. Make more fun of me again through the phone?

Dean - Where are you.

Amy - I'm close to the hotel.

Dean - Where!

Amy - Jeez, someone's in the mood today.

Dean - Now is not the time, Amy! Where are you!

He raised his voice through the phone and I just wanted to hang up on him.

Amy - None of your business.

Dean - Amy, I swear if you hang up --

Amy - I just did.

I hang up on him and I walked back, I see Sam in the car and I went in the room, door was open so I entered, the door then closes and Dean slams my back on the door harshly.

Dean - Don't ever hang up on me, and next time pick your phone up!

Amy - . . .

Dean - You understand me?!

I try to push him but he pushes me back to the door again.

Amy - Get out of my way.

Dean - Do you understand me!

Amy - YES!

I shove him on the wall and I grab my other gun and give it to Dean and my dagger and give it to him too. I go to the car and close the door harshly and I got Dean really pissed. He gets in and he turns around and Sam looked out the window.

Dean - Son of a bitch...

He said when I slammed his car door a little. He gets in closes the door and the car was already on and he turns it off.

Dean - First you get mad on me making fun of you being paranoid! Then you slap my brother, and you walked away so god knows where!!

He raised his voice at me and I was behind Sam and I looked at the window and heard him yelling at me.

Dean - Look at me, when I'm talking to you!

I turn to him and clenched my teeth at him.

Dean - And don't ever slam my door again, do you hear me!

Amy - . . .

I turn away and look out.

Dean - Amy!!

Amy - Yes I hear you!!!

I raise my voice back at him.

Dean - Good.

He turns his car back on and I just looked out the window and I feel a tear going down my cheek. I wiped it away when Sam saw me.

Dean - Slamming my door.

Sam saw me and he hears Dean talk and smacks his shoulder.

Dean - What.

Sam nodded his head no and I feel another tear going down and Dean turns to look at me and I sniffled a little, and wipe another tear. I lay head on the window and I lift my sleeve to my palm and lay my palm on my forehead and I then cry on my sweater.

Dean - Dammit...Amy. . .

I continued to cry and Dean pulls over and Dean gets out of the car and Sam drives and Dean opens the back door and he was pulling me out but I hit his arms with my fist and he didn't want to hurt me more.

Dean - Amy.

Amy - Leave me alone!

I push him and he slides me over and goes in the car and closes it locks both sides and I push him away I go on the right side behind Sam and I put my legs up on the seat and cry on my arms while leaning on the side.

Dean - Amy, please d-- Stop crying.

I sniffled again and continued to cry. Dean tries to hug me but I reject him by pushing him away from the i was chest and he lifts me up and he puts me on his lap and I fight him while he tries to hug me but I had little space since I was behind the driver's seat and so was Dean.

Dean - Stop fighting me.

Amy - You hate me!

Dean moves my leg and made me almost fall and so he pulls me to the back seats and I had my left side of my back touching the upper seat for your back and head and my right side touching the bottom seat and my spine touching nothing.

Technically I was laying down on the back seats and Dean was on top of me and he was hugging me. I give up and cry more.

Dean - I do not hate you, Amy. . . I just- I don't like it when you act up. . . Especially in the morning.

Amy - Why can't you just tell me what the job is about.

I cry while covering my face and Dean moves my hands and my eyes were a little blood shot. He lifts my upper body up and wanted me to sit up. He then sits next to me and I moved facing to him with only one leg on the car floor and my left leg on the seat bending. During the car drive I fell asleep on Dean's shoulder.

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